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Diagonal Movement Diagonal Sprites.

I looked and could not find. Maybe I'm blind. Idunno.

Anways, I want my guy to LOOK like he moves diagonal when he's moving diagonal. I can sprite teh extra 16 sprites. That's not the problem. The problem is I suck at scripting.

I would like to see my guy point North West if I press the Left and Up keys. I want him to face South East if I have the Down and Right keys pressed at the same time. You get the picture.

I hope this exists. If it doesn't it would be a valuable addition for the community (be it a time consuming one considering the extra sprites).

If I am missing something obvious here don't blame me I'm a n00b. :)
Been 24 hours so I'm bumping. :)


We posted at t3h same time. lolz

EDIT 2: Thanks. I actually already was planning to use that script (it's t3h great) but didn't realize it could do this. Maybe if I learned to remember what I read lol.

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