Updates! July 03rd 2007 #4:
So, now showcasing...
Vendetta: Pure Rebirth[/FONT]
The island nation of Salem is effectively considered a paradise- with unparalleled economic and technological growth unhindered by the crises, crimes and depressions that plague the rest of the world... but underneath all public contentment and political stability lies Salem's dark secrets.
Now the onus of truth is set upon a young man and his friends. Will a group of seemingly normal students survive against a national warmachine and dispel the webs of lies and untruths? Or will the one destined to rule succumb to the darkness himself? Is all that one sees or seems truly but a dream within a dream?
School's over for Salem's students, but what awaits them is a modern, buddhist, pulp, anime, fantasy, conspiracy romp- Welcome to the world of "Vendetta: Pure Rebirth".
What is it?[/FONT]
If any of you have played my projects before or seen the pages, this is basically "Vendetta: Trash Dynamite + Vendetta: Absinthe". It's got all the psychotic trash-talking characters, firearms and tragic love scenarios you'll need in a day. Like Trash Dynamite it's a sort of prequel fangame. However, dungeons will be long and monsters aplenty, so it may appeal to the more old-school RPG gamers as (judging from the features) it emphasizes battle as a major part of the game. Expect the difficulty to be high... the only words to live by being "know your enemy, know yourself - or die". It's also set in a vivid, deadly modern world with lots of perils and traps with aggressive A.I. that will keep the player on their toes and trying to finish battles as quickly as possible.
1. ALL UNDER HEAVEN! - Enemies react to different phases of the AUH information system and play defensively or offensively accordingly!
2. A game that rewards combat efficiency! - Engage in sleek, fluid and highly lethal battles! Gain more experience points and money by finishing battles in fewer turns!
3. Skill build system: - Players may download skills in the game but may only use 6 skills at a time, requiring them to really decide for what's best when fighting.
4. A Modern setting, hyper-modern technology - Gain access to SATORI, homing shotguns and other advanced technology from Salem!
5. SATORI Synthesis is back! - Convert into True SATORI form (Accessible after finishing a certain chapter), similar to Trash Dynamite to change innate weaknesses and resistance as well as skills!
6. Alignment System - Dialogue choices affect party member and item acquisition as well as ending! Will you maintain order? Bring about chaos? Or forge a different path?
7. Fans of MegaTen rejoice! - The game has been tailor made to suit MegaTen players and it provides an experience similar to those games.
1. Player Character (Default name: Aleph) - A regular kid around town who knows where he's at. He's the silent type, who prefers to make his words and decisions count. He's a regular student at Salem City's High School and as his final day of school starts... he experiences a strange dream.
2. Mary - A cheerful young lady and the girlfriend of Aleph, she exhudes optimism for the most part and her frail looks offset her tough and rather demanding nature. Like her boyfriend, she has led a normal and happy life in Salem with supportive parents and a good education.
3. Ronan - A headstrong young man with streetsmarts and resourcefulness to back him, he is the boyfriend of Lisa and is another classmate of Aleph and Mary. He may be cool as ice in tough situations but is nonetheless a good friend and powerful ally to Aleph, Mary and Lisa.
4. Lisa - A very smart young lady with a passion for learning and one of the most popular girls in her class, she is the girlfriend of Ronan and is adept at learning new things quickly. Despite her abilities, she remains down to earth, warm and friendly, always helping her friends in times of need.
5. Eikichi - A brutish young man with a penchant for violence. He works for a group known as "The Sentinels". A beast in every sense of the word, it is no surprise that he is called "The Dog".
6. Karen - A very very dangerous young woman working as another Sentinel and under the guise of a regular schoolgirl. She is prone to fits of concentrated rage and anger (most likely the only emotion she's able to feel) and nurtures an intense hatred for all things she deems unjust. She is identified as "The Red Queen".
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/3237/anna1ja0.png[/img] http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2586/bao1fe5.png[/img]
7. Anna and Baofu - Two more Sentinels recently seen working under Karen. It is currently unknown what capabilities and personalities the two possess.
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5772/99284081am5.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/1725/13698433cy7.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/527/58263167zp7.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/2792/26099880ds2.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3221/22174452xo5.th.jpg[/IMG]
Download Link! A 1 hour game showcasing the beginning of the story
(Kinda like the first parts of MGS2/3) [60 MB]:[/FONT]
1. All Under Heaven: An information super-system used to regulate Salem and is responsible for monitoring everything from the economy to the daily endeavors of the Salemites
2. SATORI: Organic Synthesizers developed by the now defunct MICROCOSM corporation. Enables users to manipulate matter instantly. As Arthur Clarke once put it, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
Thanks to Yeyinde for teaching me how to do the A.U.H. and Battle Efficiency scripts.
NEW! MINI-WALKTHROUGH (Enemy Specifics and Player Skills for Construction Site Chapter)
HINTS: (If the boss battle is too difficult)
My other project slated for release during the 4th Quarter of this year... Vendetta: Red Opera
a.k.a. IRIS_
the year 2029?
a century old Cold War?
a 16 year old girl?
One hope for peace.
Difficulty: High
Age Rating: Teen (Contains heavy language, alcohol, and violence)
Director?s notes:
Beta Releases: One of the first battle testers I released to a few people. It's a battle with the first boss. If you want to check out some of the game's fighting mechanics and aesthetics, then try this out. In the game it is possible to level up and get other skills before this fight... so consider this a worst case scenario.
Fighting against the United States Pacific Fleet! A fight that will undoubtedly end in tragedy.
PLA ? People?s Liberation Army (of China)
PICS - Powered Infantry Combat Suits.
Progress: 80% finished. Facesets need putting on, and the battle system is undergoing further enhancement wherever needed.
Recruitments: Looking for an artist to do facesets for a number of characters. Not really important since i'm buying a scanner soon, but it would help to release the game earlier.
The opera begins, 4th Quarter 2007.
Finally revealing the second Vendetta game in development and yes a playable chapter is online! It's a bit of a demo showcasing the gameplay, but the player can save his or her progress to use it for the main game as the demo IS part of the actual game... Oh and bugs fixed! Rebalanced monsters too.
Added a mini-walkthrough for the Construction Site as people have been finding it too hard - to which I have to disagree. I guess this'll become one of thos minority games ;_; oh well.
v. 1.2 Added Kaori to the Construction site, Area 1... She sells Mantra stones too woohoo. Updated download link.
v. 1.3
- Fixed some pathing bugs and
- Unconscious now disappears after every battle leaving 1 HP
- Save point now activates before the sniper starts hunting and not after
Added a mini-walkthrough for the Construction Site as people have been finding it too hard - to which I have to disagree. I guess this'll become one of thos minority games ;_; oh well.
v. 1.2 Added Kaori to the Construction site, Area 1... She sells Mantra stones too woohoo. Updated download link.
v. 1.3
- Fixed some pathing bugs and
- Unconscious now disappears after every battle leaving 1 HP
- Save point now activates before the sniper starts hunting and not after
The island nation of Salem is effectively considered a paradise- with unparalleled economic and technological growth unhindered by the crises, crimes and depressions that plague the rest of the world... but underneath all public contentment and political stability lies Salem's dark secrets.
Now the onus of truth is set upon a young man and his friends. Will a group of seemingly normal students survive against a national warmachine and dispel the webs of lies and untruths? Or will the one destined to rule succumb to the darkness himself? Is all that one sees or seems truly but a dream within a dream?
School's over for Salem's students, but what awaits them is a modern, buddhist, pulp, anime, fantasy, conspiracy romp- Welcome to the world of "Vendetta: Pure Rebirth".
If any of you have played my projects before or seen the pages, this is basically "Vendetta: Trash Dynamite + Vendetta: Absinthe". It's got all the psychotic trash-talking characters, firearms and tragic love scenarios you'll need in a day. Like Trash Dynamite it's a sort of prequel fangame. However, dungeons will be long and monsters aplenty, so it may appeal to the more old-school RPG gamers as (judging from the features) it emphasizes battle as a major part of the game. Expect the difficulty to be high... the only words to live by being "know your enemy, know yourself - or die". It's also set in a vivid, deadly modern world with lots of perils and traps with aggressive A.I. that will keep the player on their toes and trying to finish battles as quickly as possible.
1. ALL UNDER HEAVEN! - Enemies react to different phases of the AUH information system and play defensively or offensively accordingly!
2. A game that rewards combat efficiency! - Engage in sleek, fluid and highly lethal battles! Gain more experience points and money by finishing battles in fewer turns!
3. Skill build system: - Players may download skills in the game but may only use 6 skills at a time, requiring them to really decide for what's best when fighting.
4. A Modern setting, hyper-modern technology - Gain access to SATORI, homing shotguns and other advanced technology from Salem!
5. SATORI Synthesis is back! - Convert into True SATORI form (Accessible after finishing a certain chapter), similar to Trash Dynamite to change innate weaknesses and resistance as well as skills!
6. Alignment System - Dialogue choices affect party member and item acquisition as well as ending! Will you maintain order? Bring about chaos? Or forge a different path?
7. Fans of MegaTen rejoice! - The game has been tailor made to suit MegaTen players and it provides an experience similar to those games.
1. Player Character (Default name: Aleph) - A regular kid around town who knows where he's at. He's the silent type, who prefers to make his words and decisions count. He's a regular student at Salem City's High School and as his final day of school starts... he experiences a strange dream.
2. Mary - A cheerful young lady and the girlfriend of Aleph, she exhudes optimism for the most part and her frail looks offset her tough and rather demanding nature. Like her boyfriend, she has led a normal and happy life in Salem with supportive parents and a good education.
3. Ronan - A headstrong young man with streetsmarts and resourcefulness to back him, he is the boyfriend of Lisa and is another classmate of Aleph and Mary. He may be cool as ice in tough situations but is nonetheless a good friend and powerful ally to Aleph, Mary and Lisa.
4. Lisa - A very smart young lady with a passion for learning and one of the most popular girls in her class, she is the girlfriend of Ronan and is adept at learning new things quickly. Despite her abilities, she remains down to earth, warm and friendly, always helping her friends in times of need.
5. Eikichi - A brutish young man with a penchant for violence. He works for a group known as "The Sentinels". A beast in every sense of the word, it is no surprise that he is called "The Dog".
6. Karen - A very very dangerous young woman working as another Sentinel and under the guise of a regular schoolgirl. She is prone to fits of concentrated rage and anger (most likely the only emotion she's able to feel) and nurtures an intense hatred for all things she deems unjust. She is identified as "The Red Queen".
http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/3237/anna1ja0.png[/img] http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2586/bao1fe5.png[/img]
7. Anna and Baofu - Two more Sentinels recently seen working under Karen. It is currently unknown what capabilities and personalities the two possess.
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5772/99284081am5.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/1725/13698433cy7.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/527/58263167zp7.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/2792/26099880ds2.th.jpg[/IMG] http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3221/22174452xo5.th.jpg[/IMG]
(Kinda like the first parts of MGS2/3) [60 MB]:[/FONT]
1. All Under Heaven: An information super-system used to regulate Salem and is responsible for monitoring everything from the economy to the daily endeavors of the Salemites
2. SATORI: Organic Synthesizers developed by the now defunct MICROCOSM corporation. Enables users to manipulate matter instantly. As Arthur Clarke once put it, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
Thanks to Yeyinde for teaching me how to do the A.U.H. and Battle Efficiency scripts.
NEW! MINI-WALKTHROUGH (Enemy Specifics and Player Skills for Construction Site Chapter)
Your Enemies:
1. Knight Ursa: HP 30
Weak to Fire
Skills: Frag grenade, Blitz Royale, Media
AUH Behavior: Uses Frag grenade during full / Buffs during lower half.
Drops Poka Can (33%).
Comments: Use Agi on this guy to make quick work on him. At lower levels you might need to get assisted- just add a single attack to finish him off.
2. Squire Sparrow: HP 25
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/5921 ... ghtcs8.png[/img]
Weak to Force / resist Shock,
Skills: Media, Pulinpa, Will to Power, Will to Live
AUH Behavior: Buffs during lower half
Comments: Their slim and flimsy bodies get carried away by the wind easily so use Zan for these ones. Their HP is only 25 so at around level 10 Ronan's attacks should be doing them in too. Pulinpa is a dangerous skill at this stage of the game though so I recommend taking them out as a first priority.
3. Knight Basilisk: HP 23
Weak to Shock/ resist Ice, Force, Fire, Phys
Skills: Zan
AUH Behaviour: Uses Zan During lower half
Drops: Mantra Stone (33%)
Comments: Tough cookies but with small HP, still they have resistance to other elements and even phys. Use Zio for them or focus fire. They should go down easily.
1. Aleph / OS Apollo (I know he's Fire but nevermind, it's for plot purposes)
Weak to Shock / Resist Force
Innate Skills: Zan (Lv. 1), Focus (Lv. 3), Tackle (Lv. 9)
Comments: Your well-balanced fighter/ mage. He's good for boss battles because he's got Focus and the Zan makes quick work of Sparrows. He hasn't got a large mana pool unlike Mary or Lisa though so you might want to conserve his MP.
2. Mary / OS Ame-no-Uzume
Weak to Force / Resist Shock
Innate Skills: Zio (Lv. 1), Dia (Lv. 3), Will to Live (Lv. 9)
Comments: Your main healer. You will have to develop a system of healing coordinating with Dia, Poka Poka cans and Mantra stones. Management in roaming and in battle is key in this game. Her Zio isnt bad for the Basilisks either and Will to Live is absolutely necessary against bosses.
3. Ronan / OS Dionysius
Weak to Fire / Resist Ice
Innate Skills: Bufu (Lv. 1), Back Blade (Lv. 3), Strength Enhance I [Passive](Lv. 9)
Comments: Your main tank / powerhouse. Once he gets Strength Enhance he will really f*** up Sparrows and even Ursas / Basilisks (If he crits, they'll be taken out in a single go). However, his Bufu's useless in this dungeon and he should watch out for Frag grenades. Remember to take out Ursas quickly if he's low on health.
4. Lisa / OS Freyja
Innate Skills: Agi (Lv.1), Mahagi (Lv. 3), Agilao (Lv. 9)
Comments: Learn to love Lisa in the construction site and she will love you. Her spells are straightforward enough, and the only concern is having enough MP. Agilao is a staple against the construction site boss and it's hard to resist using Mahagi against a group of Ursas
oh well.
Final pointers:
1. Kill quick. Kill good.
2. Management and regulation is very VERY important.
3. Leave the items alone if you're being hunted down by a sniper.
4. Get a feel for your opponents - Through normal attacks/ spells you should be able to have a sense of their HP and elemental affinities (if you haven't read the walkthrough but since you're reading this you most likely have).':|
5. The number of enemies in a wave increase as you get nearer the end of a dungeon.
1. Knight Ursa: HP 30
Weak to Fire
Skills: Frag grenade, Blitz Royale, Media
AUH Behavior: Uses Frag grenade during full / Buffs during lower half.
Drops Poka Can (33%).
Comments: Use Agi on this guy to make quick work on him. At lower levels you might need to get assisted- just add a single attack to finish him off.
2. Squire Sparrow: HP 25
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/5921 ... ghtcs8.png[/img]
Weak to Force / resist Shock,
Skills: Media, Pulinpa, Will to Power, Will to Live
AUH Behavior: Buffs during lower half
Comments: Their slim and flimsy bodies get carried away by the wind easily so use Zan for these ones. Their HP is only 25 so at around level 10 Ronan's attacks should be doing them in too. Pulinpa is a dangerous skill at this stage of the game though so I recommend taking them out as a first priority.
3. Knight Basilisk: HP 23
Weak to Shock/ resist Ice, Force, Fire, Phys
Skills: Zan
AUH Behaviour: Uses Zan During lower half
Drops: Mantra Stone (33%)
Comments: Tough cookies but with small HP, still they have resistance to other elements and even phys. Use Zio for them or focus fire. They should go down easily.
1. Aleph / OS Apollo (I know he's Fire but nevermind, it's for plot purposes)
Weak to Shock / Resist Force
Innate Skills: Zan (Lv. 1), Focus (Lv. 3), Tackle (Lv. 9)
Comments: Your well-balanced fighter/ mage. He's good for boss battles because he's got Focus and the Zan makes quick work of Sparrows. He hasn't got a large mana pool unlike Mary or Lisa though so you might want to conserve his MP.
2. Mary / OS Ame-no-Uzume
Weak to Force / Resist Shock
Innate Skills: Zio (Lv. 1), Dia (Lv. 3), Will to Live (Lv. 9)
Comments: Your main healer. You will have to develop a system of healing coordinating with Dia, Poka Poka cans and Mantra stones. Management in roaming and in battle is key in this game. Her Zio isnt bad for the Basilisks either and Will to Live is absolutely necessary against bosses.
3. Ronan / OS Dionysius
Weak to Fire / Resist Ice
Innate Skills: Bufu (Lv. 1), Back Blade (Lv. 3), Strength Enhance I [Passive](Lv. 9)
Comments: Your main tank / powerhouse. Once he gets Strength Enhance he will really f*** up Sparrows and even Ursas / Basilisks (If he crits, they'll be taken out in a single go). However, his Bufu's useless in this dungeon and he should watch out for Frag grenades. Remember to take out Ursas quickly if he's low on health.
4. Lisa / OS Freyja
Innate Skills: Agi (Lv.1), Mahagi (Lv. 3), Agilao (Lv. 9)
Comments: Learn to love Lisa in the construction site and she will love you. Her spells are straightforward enough, and the only concern is having enough MP. Agilao is a staple against the construction site boss and it's hard to resist using Mahagi against a group of Ursas
Final pointers:
1. Kill quick. Kill good.
2. Management and regulation is very VERY important.
3. Leave the items alone if you're being hunted down by a sniper.
4. Get a feel for your opponents - Through normal attacks/ spells you should be able to have a sense of their HP and elemental affinities (if you haven't read the walkthrough but since you're reading this you most likely have).':|
5. The number of enemies in a wave increase as you get nearer the end of a dungeon.
Boss # 1 Karen Cross
ES: [Ice] (Weak to Fire)
HP: 1000
MP: 800
Skills: Autumn Frost, Glass Rose, Shattered Rose
Average Attack: 27 Recommended Level: 12/13
The Lowdown:
Karen Cross is a cold, cold girl- [Ice] attacks will only heal her and get you killed. Start the battle off with the usual boss battle buffs? At this level you?ll only have ?WTL? so use it from the beginning to increase your defense greatly or else, she?ll be able to murder Lisa [Fire] with a single spell.
Use Focus on the main hero to make his attacks more efficient: you skip a turn but get 3-4 times the attack power which is a good exchange. Mary should focus on using ?Dia? for healing and probably throw in a ?Zio? or two if you?re desperate for damage. Ronan should stick to standard attacks and items for support. Finally get your main caster Lisa to spam ?Agilao? and you should be doing an average of around 70 damage per turn.
Your enemy:
Sounds easy enough but Karen does have a few tricks up her sleeve. For one thing she can stun your characters using one of the ?Rose? attacks and you don?t really have a way around that now. Just endure and play defensively and you won?t be killed that easily. On the other hand, ?Autumn Frost? is a pure damage all attack spell that deals high damage at this level ? but you?ve got ?WTL? to counter that anyway. Finally, her physical attacks will kill most of your characters in two hits, so just remember to heal anyone at 50% health and you'll be fine.
ES: [Ice] (Weak to Fire)
HP: 1000
MP: 800
Skills: Autumn Frost, Glass Rose, Shattered Rose
Average Attack: 27 Recommended Level: 12/13
The Lowdown:
Karen Cross is a cold, cold girl- [Ice] attacks will only heal her and get you killed. Start the battle off with the usual boss battle buffs? At this level you?ll only have ?WTL? so use it from the beginning to increase your defense greatly or else, she?ll be able to murder Lisa [Fire] with a single spell.
Use Focus on the main hero to make his attacks more efficient: you skip a turn but get 3-4 times the attack power which is a good exchange. Mary should focus on using ?Dia? for healing and probably throw in a ?Zio? or two if you?re desperate for damage. Ronan should stick to standard attacks and items for support. Finally get your main caster Lisa to spam ?Agilao? and you should be doing an average of around 70 damage per turn.
Your enemy:
Sounds easy enough but Karen does have a few tricks up her sleeve. For one thing she can stun your characters using one of the ?Rose? attacks and you don?t really have a way around that now. Just endure and play defensively and you won?t be killed that easily. On the other hand, ?Autumn Frost? is a pure damage all attack spell that deals high damage at this level ? but you?ve got ?WTL? to counter that anyway. Finally, her physical attacks will kill most of your characters in two hits, so just remember to heal anyone at 50% health and you'll be fine.
My other project slated for release during the 4th Quarter of this year... Vendetta: Red Opera
a.k.a. IRIS_
the year 2029?
a century old Cold War?
a 16 year old girl?
One hope for peace.
Difficulty: High
Age Rating: Teen (Contains heavy language, alcohol, and violence)
1. A complete 2 hour long game!
2. Near-future warfare using mechanical combat suits - frenetic, lethal combat requiring definitive decision making skills and an understanding of the enemy!
3. Unforgiving enemy A.I. that reacts to the situation!
4. High quality, heart-pumping, mp3 soundtrack!
5. Hyper-realistic storyline mixed in with casual school life!
6. Mini school simulation/ RPG that allows the player to customize the protagonist.
http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9514/screen1qb4.th.png[/IMG] http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/7126/screen11bd3.th.png[/IMG] http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/9555/screen4ig1.th.png[/IMG] http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/1452/screen8ej1.th.png[/IMG]
2. Near-future warfare using mechanical combat suits - frenetic, lethal combat requiring definitive decision making skills and an understanding of the enemy!
3. Unforgiving enemy A.I. that reacts to the situation!
4. High quality, heart-pumping, mp3 soundtrack!
5. Hyper-realistic storyline mixed in with casual school life!
6. Mini school simulation/ RPG that allows the player to customize the protagonist.
A girl named Iris Fong follows in the footsteps of her late brother and father- both famous PLA PICS pilots - and enrolls into an elite academy training only the very best? Thus starts her first day in the academy?
http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/7176/screen2vn2.th.png[/IMG] http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/2632/screen5tm6.th.png[/IMG] http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/7724/screen3dz0.th.png[/IMG]
The year is 2029 and information systems have evolved to the point that intelligence in warfare between two modern armies is rendered ?equal? for both sides.
To offset the problems posed by ?complete information?, armies have developed Powered Infantry Combat suits (PICS), turning battles into high-speed bouts of decision-making and reflexes ? instead of the cumbersome hierarchical way it was waged before.
As the third decade of the 21st century approaches, the world sees the United States fall to second place economically and militarily as China secures the lead. It?s here that the Red Opera begins?
http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/6382/screen6wl2.th.png[/IMG] http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/6423/screen10lc9.th.png[/IMG] http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/8159/screen9rq0.th.png[/IMG]
To offset the problems posed by ?complete information?, armies have developed Powered Infantry Combat suits (PICS), turning battles into high-speed bouts of decision-making and reflexes ? instead of the cumbersome hierarchical way it was waged before.
As the third decade of the 21st century approaches, the world sees the United States fall to second place economically and militarily as China secures the lead. It?s here that the Red Opera begins?
Director?s notes:
- Pastel Blue is on hold ?it?s been on a long break and so is Absinthe. But Pastel Blue will be finished before Absinthe. Don?t ask me why I finished this game instead; I don?t know myself why I had the drive for it. Either way, I?m focused on Red Opera, so expect more updates for this game.
- If I used any of your resources, message me and I?ll give you credit or I?ll remove them, whichever you want
- Yes PICS are just suits, they?re not giant robots, they?re bigger than humans just by a bit.
- If I used any of your resources, message me and I?ll give you credit or I?ll remove them, whichever you want
- Yes PICS are just suits, they?re not giant robots, they?re bigger than humans just by a bit.
Beta Releases: One of the first battle testers I released to a few people. It's a battle with the first boss. If you want to check out some of the game's fighting mechanics and aesthetics, then try this out. In the game it is possible to level up and get other skills before this fight... so consider this a worst case scenario.
Fighting against the United States Pacific Fleet! A fight that will undoubtedly end in tragedy.
PLA ? People?s Liberation Army (of China)
PICS - Powered Infantry Combat Suits.
Progress: 80% finished. Facesets need putting on, and the battle system is undergoing further enhancement wherever needed.
Recruitments: Looking for an artist to do facesets for a number of characters. Not really important since i'm buying a scanner soon, but it would help to release the game earlier.