This game is essentially the most basic game you could ever have.
The story line is as follows.
Your a member of the red team, the blue guys have wiped out the entire red army except you! Give em hell!
Yeah, pretty awesome eh? Trust me the game is more challenging then you'd think.
The battle system is behemoths projectile ABS.
The tileset is by behemoth as well and so is the hud/ bullet images.
I have remade the entire hud yet so its still the basic one from his demo, but i have made all the sprites. :]
Sorry about the rammsteing for the background music lol its what i listen to when i play test. I'll trry and upload a no music version soon, but my internet is being a pansy atm.
Thanks for checking it out! ^_^
This game is essentially the most basic game you could ever have.
The story line is as follows.
Your a member of the red team, the blue guys have wiped out the entire red army except you! Give em hell!
Yeah, pretty awesome eh? Trust me the game is more challenging then you'd think.
The battle system is behemoths projectile ABS.
The tileset is by behemoth as well and so is the hud/ bullet images.
I have remade the entire hud yet so its still the basic one from his demo, but i have made all the sprites. :]
The title:
Second map, level 1
Third map, level 1
The demo consists of 2 levels, each level with 5 maps each.
[url=] ... hooter.exe[/url]
Thanks for checking it out! ^_^