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Default Script Glitch for RMXP



Yo guys, I know I haven't been around much but hey I've been working full time on this project I've been on, but I've run into an issue with the default scripts. Whenever you ask $game_party.actors.id == 4 in a conditional branch, when there are no party members in slot it always returns true no matter what. I've been pulling my hair out looking through my events for the problem only to find it's Enterbrains fault.


Any help is appreciated :) Be well folks, Thank ya!
For some reason its returning the object id, which is normally accessed with __id__, not just id. I was messing around and tried a few different things, and found that "nil.id" and "nil.__id__" both return a value of 4. More than likely Enterbrain changed this in the Ruby source when they compiled it for some reason, because as far as I know, there is no "id" method defined in the Object class, only "__id__".



Yes, RM Object class includes it's own "def id" method.

you can simply make two checks:
$game_party.actors != nil and $game_party.actors.id == 4

Most cheks that verify arrays that contain complex objects, cheks first if the object is different from nil, to avoid no method error

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