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default CBS changes

Hello, this one here sounds quite easy to do for me, but I'm no scripter (I'm still in the early stages of learning Ruby ...) so I could be wrong...
The changes I'd like to be done are quite easy to explaine: While I find it kind of boring to imput one command after the other for every actor and then watch them to be executed, I'd like to imput a command only when the actor can act... meaning:

Phase 01 - Battle Start choose "Fight" or "Escape"
Phase 02 - (in case you chose "Fight") Turn 01 Order: Enemy01; Arshes; Basil; Enemy02; Gloria - the order is determined by the agility of each actor/enemy the higher the agility is the ealier an acto/enemy can act. but what now actually should happen is this:
---- Enemy01 attacks (uses skill or whatever); Imput command for Arshes and watch it to be executed; same as Arshes for Basil; Enemy02 does nothing (attacks or whatever); sames as for Arshes an Basil now for Gloria ----
I think you get the idea. Well this is the first an mayor thing I'd like to be changed, the second one would be that the "Fight" "Escape" option is only available at the beginning of a battle, not before every turn. But in case you want to have this option during battle you should simply press the cancel button once you could imput a command for one of your actors...

I hope you understand what I want, if you don't feel free to ask and please tell me if this one's easy enough, so that there maybe someone who will do this. Another Problem would be that I'm using Tricksters AIBC with some edits that blizzard made so that these changes I want might not be compatible with my other scripts...

Thanks in advance!



You could make another command in the actors list that is escape rather then how you said but i'm not a scripter this was just a sugestion
My main problem is the command imputting and executing not the escape option. The changed "Fight" "Escape" option thingy would not interrupt the actual battle. This way you can plan your actions better.

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