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Debate: Wind Turbinez

Everyone hates wind turbines here. They're a blight on the landscape.


The government wants to build more of them - and I wanna know your opinions. Are you one of those that hates, loves, or just "doesn't care so long as they don't sit next to me" types?

Personally I find them beautiful, like works of art, and we even drive to a wind farm just to see it like one would drive to the angel of the north or stonehenge.

Where I live (southwestern Ontario) windmills are the source of a very heated debate. We have several windfarms by my house and I see dozens all the time when I drive around here. This is a HUGE issue here.

Personally? I love them. I like looking out on the horizon and seeing dozens of windmills out in the sunset. I live driving to Lake Erie and seeing windmills on the side of the road. I think it's fantastic my community is taking such initiative in the green energy industry.

But a lot of people dislike them here. There has been a lot of talk that people living near them have been experiencing health effects from the noise. There is a noticeable hum coming from windmills but to be honest, you can't really hear it audibly unless you're up close. The claims say that it disturbs sleep,

Now, the nearest windmill is a couple of kilometres away, and the main concern is for people (farmers, mostly) who have windmills on their property. I really can't say for sure whether or not the health concerns from windmills are valid or not, but many claims do seem blown out of proportion. I'm sure a lot of the health concerns are very much valid, and it would be irresponsible to continue building windmills without looking at reducing health effects as much as possible.

The argument that windmills are an eyesore is totally subjective and not even worth bringing up in a serious debate.

It's known for a fact that windmills do affect wildlife. A lot of migratory birds and bats are killed by the turbines, and species that live in places where windmills are built do not do very well. Obviously the less we affect wildlife the better, but unfortunately, some sacrifices have to be made to move forward.

We're having a provincial election here in October. The Liberals who are currently in power support the windmill project -they're the ones that really got it going a few years back. But they've received a ton of bad press recently, largely having to do with green energy. Their ratings have plummeted, and it's pretty much guaranteed the Conservatives are going to win in October. It's also well-known that they don't take nearly such a bold stance with wind energy, and I would not be surprised to see the program drastically reduced after they gain power.

It's a damn shame. The Liberals have not been handling this perfectly - they've made a lot of errors along the way. But the effort to take initiative with implementing green energy is commendable, to say the least. It's too bad there's been so much negative talk about wind energy. It's gotten so bad that it's actually associated with negative connotations, as in, people see it as a bad thing.

Wind energy is a good thing, as is solar energy (also becoming a hot topic around here). But you don't need to be an energy expert to know that relying on solar and wind energy won't even come close to satisfying our energy demands. It's a great start but we simply consume too much electricity for those kinds of green energy to replace all else. I'm a huge advocate of nuclear power but obviously the incident in Japan has been a big step backwards for that industry. I'd love to see nuclear, wind and solar power replacing coal/natural gas/oil within the next few decades but it's an uphill battle!

Plus we're so fucked from climate change that even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases this very second we'd still experience a temperature increase of at least 2 degrees.

hooray for optimism :V



How do people think they're an eyesore? I think windmills are just amazing to look at. Besides, it's natural energy, who would argue that?
From what I have read from different sources, a lot of windmills try to avoid the migratory patterns of birds and place them in places where the least possible amount of damage will be caused. Of course, birds do get killed but there are efforts put in place to avoid death and cause the least amount of irritation. I personally thing windmills are pretty also and are a sign of a cleaner progress.



Lots of windmills here in Holland, I don't hear many people complaining about them ruining the landscape but I DO hear people complaining about the noise they make. (Coming from the people who practically live next to them.)
Imo natural energy > landscapes, plus they look nicer than nuclear plants at least...
At school, we get TAUGHT about how ugly they are. I've never seen any in real life, but they certainly don't look unpleasant. We also get taught about how ridiculously noisy they are. I really don't know anything about that.
I live next to a mainline train line and I sleep fine, anyone arguing that it disrupts sleep just needs to get used to it and it will stop. If they still aren't sleeping, it is because of something else. You get used to sounds like that even if they're as irregular as a train line.
Wind Turbines are badass! There's a few somewhere around here (can't remember exactly where), but I don't recall them being ugly or noisy. They're definitely more pleasing to the eye (and nose) than pretty much all the other types of power plants.
I think they look cool as hell :eek:

Driving by the windfarms in southeast california is kind of nice, actually.

It's much nicer than driving by the horrible rusty oil pumps a ways down the road.

They seem like more of an inconvenience to birds than to us. I don't think I'd like one 10 feet from my house, as their bases really are astoundingly big up close, but seeing them in the distance from my house wouldn't bother me one bit.

It's a lot nicer than:




Pokémaniac":1nr6kdpe said:
At school, we get TAUGHT about how ugly they are.
Man, this exactly is what's wrong with america's education system :|
On topic, I think they look cool. And I think people should stop with this "bawww it's an eyesore" attitude... I mean c'mon if you are bothered by the sight of wind turbines you are a worthless idiot who's got nothing else to do than complain about things.
There should be a lot more of these turbinez. Put them around industrial parks, highways and offshore parks. As long as they aren't placed in nature parks or historical sites, there shouldn't be any protest. Germany is really doing a good job in this matter.
I guess England is really incredibly stuck up there in that it seems we consider everything an important historical site or beauty spot.
England should focus on offshore windmill parks, i think. The huge coastline is an advantage that Belgium and Germany for example don't have.
I think they're cool. Obviously, you wouldn't want one in a "historical site" or "natural wonder", but there are plenty of suitable places to have them.

I have a hard time believing that they have much of an impact on wildlife. If a few birds get wacked, they are the really retarded birds, and we don't need them! ;)
I suspect that the destruction resulting from crews getting to the site & erecting the turbine has an effect, but the trees & foliage are all going to grow back quickly (< 10 yrs). Most wildlife is highly adaptive. "What the F#$%? This wasn't here before.... Oh look, alfalfa... munch, munch, munch"

I had a theory that if we put enough offshore wind turbines in the gulf of Mexico, it's possible they could have a substantial effect on hurricanes. i.e. draining the energy from the storm, and pumping it into the power grid. I didn't do the math, but it's certainly worth looking into. :scruff:
You might need a million of them, but what the heck, we have ~9% unemployment & it would create a lot of jobs.

I work for Siemens, a manufacturer of the large wind turbines. And I did do a little homework to see if it would be economical to either have a large turbine in my area, or a smaller version at my house. The large turbines generate enough energy to power ~600 homes, but you need to have a sustained average windspeed (at 300') of at least 11 knots to make it economical. The smaller versions that sit at 50-60' above the ground need a 9 kt average wind.
We have laws in our area that if you connect your power source to your home, and therefor the public power grid, your electric company is obligated to buy any surplus power you provide to the grid. How cool would it be to get a rebate check instead of an electric bill???
In general, I don't mind them... as long as they're not placed in a way that keeps the sun from shining on my garden or something along those lines. I wouldn't mind one right next to my house in general, because the 'noise' really isn't that loud, and definately not annoying. You can argue about looks (I personally think the world's seen better architechtual art), but yeah - it's about function.
Since I in general don't give too much about renewable energy and economics and whatnot (which is why I also don't give a damn about any birds getting killed by that), I doubt I'll be supporting them if it's not for my own good like Brew's idea. Speaking of that...

@Brew: Energy suppliers buying energy from people is pretty common around here... that's what makes solar cells attractive, which is why a few people have them. A wind turbine is a little more 'obvious' than that, and I think you might get problems regarding the case when it falls and crashes the neighbours cutey chocolate-icecream-on-her-mouth daughter... at least around here you would maybe.
Other than that, yep... especially for a household like mine that's packed with electronic devices, that'd be a very good aquisition ;)
That being said... is there a price tag for the home user? ^^

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