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Dealing With Bad Co-Workers

Currently, I'm working for a relief center called the Burbank Temporary Aide Center (BTAC for short). I'm one of the youth workers who basically perform the tasks of doing whatever our supervisor tells us to do and lift a lot of donated crap. Unfortunately, I know one volunteer worker (name not mentioning) who, to put it simply, does SHIT! No... I should say less than shit.

While the majority of us actually ask for stuff to do and do it, he just wonders around the facility like some clueless dumbass or sit among the coffee area "taking breaks" every 1-10 seconds. What's even more annoying is that we constantly have to ask him to get his ass up and help us with something, but the fool may not even do it upon command. I was so glad that one day my supervisor told him that if he's not going to do shit he could just go home.

Yeah, even though I'm may not be what you call an experienced worker, here are a few, basic tips about being an effective employee on the job:
Self Start - Look around your workplace, are their things to be taken care of? If so, then you don't need the gunshot to go, just do your job.
Ask for Things to Do - If you are not sure of what you should be doing right now, don't hesitate to ask your boss/supervisor for something to do, they will most likely give you something to do. This makes it look like you are more willing to work and that you are not slacking off.
Don't Bitch - Nobody likes people who whine, complain, or make sad excuses such as "I'm on 'break' I don't wanna do anything right now!" in general. In the workplace this most definitely applies.

Aside from that rant, discuss about your experiences with bad co-workers in general, whether they range from minor to adult (Lord I hope not adult...). To expand further, you may also talk about how to deal with such, if there is a way to deal with them at all. So... Talk! ^_^
I've had some slacker coworkers in the past, but they never lasted very long. I'm not the tattle-type, because I don't really give a $#!t half the time about what anyone does, but there are lots of people who'll rat out the losers, and do.

At my current job I have a problem with one of my coworkers, not because she's a slacker, but mostly because she's FREAKING ANNOYING.

Like I said, mostly I mind my own business. But she does noise pollution like no other and since she's 2 cubicles away, I hear every idiot noise out of her.

I'm a graphic artist at an architectual design firm. I'm in the floorplan design department and she's in the brochure design department, which are situated right next to each other and aren't walled off by anything more than cubicle walls.

Since everyone there's an artist, we're allowed to dress however we want and most of us are the creative, nutjob types. But she's just annoying.

1.) She has quite possibly the most annoying cell phone rings in the universe. They're random catch phrases from current popular movies, like Transformers or w/e. She puts the cell phone ring on the highest setting and 10,000 people call her a day. Whee.

2.) Her voice sounds like the American dub-voice for Shin Chan, if anyone's seen it. If you'd like to know what that sounds like, click this link and listen to the 5-year old boy with black hair. I'm not joking. She sounds IDENTICAL.

3.) She laughs like a mix between Peewee Hermin and a donkey.

4.) She shouts the lamest jokes I've ever heard. Yes, shouts. Because she figures everyone wants to hear them.

5.) She's been advertising a party she wants everyone to go to, that she's holding on MY BIRTHDAY. Not that she knows when my bday is, it's just annoying to me that it's the same day.

6.) Lots of other people think she's great and have the same senses of humor. Not too many in my department, but her dept is full of weirdos who like annoying crap, apparently.

Now I don't hate her, because she can't help being annoying I guess, but you can be ULTRA irritated by someone and not hate them. I don't want her to lose her job or anything ... I just wish someone'd put her in a soundproof booth!!!

/end rant
Talk to them. If that doesn't work, talk to their manager.

Here's an easy way to do it: Have a system where people are held accountable. If this person fails to take care of their responsibilities, point it out to everyone and that person.
Soon they'll get tired of always being wrong and they'll leave.
Well one tried to literally fry my hand when I was working in a restaurant. It was a "joke", pretty strange he had "no intention of hurting me" as I told him he didn't do a fuck and left him with all the work when could go home under the sound of curses thrown at my back.

But my main issues aren't usually with co-workers. My main issue is with "superiors" who got a ton of people under them because they went to university, but have no experience whatsoever, yet are allowed to boss around. Or those who care more for their own pockets than the company/employees. Needless to say I switch jobs very often.
@TCoFA: Ah, that's a problem about as worse as bad co-workers themselves. If there is poor supervision, then that can create a living nightmare...
Kill them and eat their heart in order to gain their powers.

If that doesn't work, I really don't know what exactly to do with people. Since I'm not good with people(if only they were like plants... plants never talk back to you...XD). Sadly, you can't just smack someone upside the head for being a complete idiot/douchebag. The world would be a much better place if that were allowed.



Who bothers me most, is the manager of the company I work for.
The guy is a jerk, dull and can't even speak properly.
If someone complains to him of any problem (like asking for POTABLE water or not wanting to work a WHOLE day for almost nothing), he takes it personal. He did this with me, he extended my horary, so that I wouldn't be able to go to my course. It's such a relief to think that I can leave the job anytime I want (although I like to gain my own money), but unfortunately, there are many people like him in the world.
Guess it can't be helped.
You wouldn't want to do that. If you get violent with your supervisor, you could end up in jail and employers will be hesitant to employee somebody like that.

It's something you have to deal with, or you quit. If I had a prick for a boss, I wouldn't even bother and I would leave. Luckily my boss is kool with my mom and she knows him personally, so problems can be solved easily. :p

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