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Deadspace: The darkness

Hello everybody, my name Tran Anh Thi. I know the contest about 2 day ago, and i start to make game yesterday with Construct 2 free edition.

I love deadspace game, and i just want to remake the game with platform 2d style.




The first screenshoot of the game, the deadline is march 31... so i can't make the full game, i'm working on level 1 by my own. Tons of wook need to be done. T-T

About the gameplay: Just as same as Deadspace original. Aim with mouse, shoot to cut off the monster limb, use power to solve puzzle, etc...

Edit: day 7

Event : 100 :cry:
layout : 2
no plugin

day: 8
PLAY IT HERE !!!!! ( USE IE9 or Google chrome for best performance )
( don't forget to turn on volume a bit louder )


Control :
Use A and D to move
Hold "S" to aim with mouse, "Space" to shoot.
Hold "W" to use stasis (power)
Hold left mouse clicked on object to move them and release mouse click to drop it.

If you see enemy, just aim to the claw to cut off his limb, or aim to the leg to cut them off.
Oh daiom, farsmile90's joining the contest. Time to be a little scared, although i do look forward to the game. Great graphics too. Made by yourself?
I'm confident that you can revise your event sheet and look for things to condense, so that you can free up some more event slots.

Creative use of instance variables, behaviours and regular expressions will save you having to make a separate event for some, if not most of the things. For example, the regular expression also handles AND/OR operators. If by chance you have any events that are just "if this, if not this", regular expressions will very likely shrink those into one event for you. There's a page dedicated to regular expressions in Construct 2 manual.

Or you could hit the python code for some custom made plugins like Glitch :biggrin:
i spend too much events on the enemy and puzzle maybe my kind of game swallow a lot of events, shoot to cut off hands or legs one by one, cut off hand, they moving with leg, cut off leg they're moving with claw etc... But construct is a great tool, and when i'm reach 100 event i just want to say :" mummy i just want to get full version of construct :))"
Sounds like you really powered through the making of this one :biggrin: Glad to hear you're satisfied with what you got, but I think you maybe want to take a look into some of the optimization advacide some people have given throughout the project threads and the support forum. I found afgho giving especially precise advice, and Glitchfinder dropped the hint with outsourcing global variables into a data array/instance variables of any object.

Either way, very nice stuff you got there, even though a bit dark. I'd like to play it, and since you might get a few additional marketing points for putting it up early on ScirraArcade, you might want to consider that!
thank you bluescope, thank for your advice ^^ , but i try my best on this one, and this is what i learned from construct for one month, i'm so happy ^^ And most of the things, i want to show the power of construct for other people even it was made in free edition.
Really scary, i'm glad i didn't play it at night. :crazy:

Đồ hoạ đẹp thật nhưng hơi nặng, lúc vào game cứ tưởng bị đứng máy :(.
công nhận cũng nặng thật, chơi bằng chrome thì lúc ấn space 2 s sau mới vào được, còn IE9 thì vô được ngay :)) Nhét nhiều hiệu ứng ánh sáng vào quá nên thế... Thank 01lifeleft nhé.
Wow, I'm really impressed with this. Especially the level of detail in the graphics -- the light that surrounds the particle beam is especially impressive. I wish that Isaac could move while shooting -- especially move backward (he walks the same speed as the enemy, so if you let the enemy get too close, you're basically doomed to be forced to stand there with it while you try to shoot off its arms and head).

I hope you're not entirely done with it, even though you've hit 100 events. It doesn't totally qualify as a full entry yet because there is no conclusive end. It just says that the demo is over.

(The rules state that it must be a self-contained game, not a demo.)

It's okay if you only manage to squeeze 5 minutes of gameplay in, but it has to have some form of an end if it's a linear game. If you don't think you can condense the event sheets much, then you would be able to get away with changing the last area into just the end of the level, where the player feels they have completed the game -- perhaps a cliffhanger, a bit of story, an audio event, or a simple boss? Then it would fade out and show the credits.

This is really awesome though so definitely please change the last part to not imply this is only a demo, so it qualifies to enter.
Woah man, that's such an awesome demo. I loved the atmosphere that the music and graphics brought to the game. Great work, it really makes me wanna play more! Will you continue with this game once the contest is over? :D
thank you guys. I really want to make more lvl, and add more future and enemy into this game, i'm happy when making this game... thank for your advice Venetia ... But i'm not joining the contest and make game to win the contest, i already own the full version of construct, i make this game just to show my friend and other people who don't know construct see the power and what construct can bring to them, and i show them all of the game here , in this contest, see what the game developer can do with free edition, they all deserve the full version than me :)) And i love all the deadline, because it's force me to do something quickly and seriously, and now i have this game, a great start for a good game . thank all of you ! cheers.
Well a lot of its elements can certainly serve as inspiration for other game makers. You've managed to pull off some very cool things in a very short amount of time, good job!
if anyone play my game and any good game here, i sure that they will download construct, thank hbgame for this contest ! it's rockkk .... :box:

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