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Day and night systems



I don't think thefilehut.com is working right now and I don't have a copy of my own Day Night System 2 saved. :(

When my DNS2 is ready to get downloaded, I'll let you know.
You can call me Punkid89 in the creds. :)
ty punkid89...I got it working in my game, and i was wondering if it was possible to make the screen tone more advanced through the whole process.
for example: where it goes straight from dark, and then all a sudden its bright,
how would I be able to make it more realistic, slowly progress from night to day, or day to night?
You can use NEAR FANTASTICA's ATS.. It will show the TIME, your LOCATION, the WEATHER.. and changes screen tone to dark at 7pm... And you can set time speed as you want(be it real time speed or quicker) via the framecount feature in the script itself...
hmmm.. If i copy it and paste this script your talking about, will I have to edit it at all or do anything to make it work right? cause I really dont know anything about scripts. Punkids system is pretty cool and realistic but I think its backwards..im using it in my game..and why i say its backwards is because my game starts out with a cut-scene and the hero has to go catch three fish..well now he is stuck fishing in the dark...I think it should start out being day..then progress to dark.. Now any help on that would be much appreciated..by the way...I cut and pasted all the common events into my game and gave all the variables needed the same name as punkid did..just incase you were wondering how I got it to work.

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