Ah, now I get it. Localization. Cool idea!
How will you let the player determine their language?
I had a thought. For multi-language, you will probably want to change the Title_Screen, GAme_Over screen, and all of the 'words'.
What if you set them all up for english, save your game, then copy System.rxdata to System_EN.rxdata. then do the same for your next language.
Then, in Scene_Title, where the rxdata files get loaded, you could add logic to load the appropriate rxdata file depending on which language is preferred.
Just a thought.
Of course, there are also a bunch of 'hard-coded' strings that would need to be updated as well. (Scene_Menu... "Status", "Save", "End Game")
Now that I think about it, Classes, Skills, Items, Weapons, Armor, Enemies, States will all have names & descriptions that will need to be translated as well. could be an ambitious project....
I don't have VX installed, yet. I would assume 'terms' in VX is the same as 'words' in XP???
All of the $data_* variables hold the data from your database.
They don't get saved, so they are essentially 'static' data, or Constants.
Be Well