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Das Forum - A Manifesto for the Ppl

In solidarity with the April day revolution I have begun work on this manifesto to continue the watering the roots of revolution planted on that day.

For VigilantePunishment who's tenacity and wisdom has inspired millions.


There comes a time in the history of a people when it is necessary to cast aside the abuse and horrors of an aged tyranny.  A time when a people sorely raped and choked of its precious life giving dreams and bodily fluids is forced to take action against the pig which oppresses them.  When that hateful apparatus of the pig, his dreaded iron maiden of terror, is to be dismantled by the collective hope and will of the people.  We .org'ers have hit such a nexus of history.  Our proud media has been subverted by a multifarious capitalist menace.  Sullied by its greedy lust driven testicles that has sprayed its noxious excess over this once proud edifice.  Morphing our beautiful repository of dreams and stardust into an expired  prophylactic filled with syphilitic fluids.  Yes comrades, we are in the midst of tragic and dire times.  A historic era where .org'ers must confront the choice of cowering under the pig and his brown shirted minions or seizing what is rightfully their's in bloody retribution and revolution.  Before you lays the freedom of your fellows or the doom of thrallish servitude.

If you dare to choose your birthright.  If you dare to say, “No, I will not let you rape me today, Pig!”  Then you must prepare yourself, and arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to combat your enemy.  Under our tutelage and sagely guidance you will be soldier and poet.  A people's bard singing the song of truth that will move the masses toward the principles of salvation from tyranny.  A skald that foretells the coming battle for freedom with a promise of eventual victory of the just over the unjust, of the raped over the rapist.  You will be armed with our precious grievances, our prized ideals, our infallible ideology, and our unstoppable tactics.  If you follow our principles and guidance you will be part of a movement that guarantees a better tomorrow and more Naruto fan games for all of humanity.  This is a call to the brave and bearded among you.  For without you there will be no hope for change and the light of humanity will eventually be extinguished forever from the .org because of the toxic wind of capitalism.

Coming next: the ppl's grievances with the .org staff.

<embed src="http://folk.ntnu.no/makarov/temporary_url_20070929kldcg/internationale-ru1.mp3" autostart="true" repeat="true"/>
Grievance One ~ A Culture of Rape and Sexual Privation
Since the coup rape and sexual assault on both the forums and IRC has increased 127 fold!!!  While this crime can be attributed to the chaotic uncertainty that comes with such bumpy and ambiguous shift in power, it has come to light that the majority of the sexual deviance and violence emanates from the staff itself.  To put it bluntly the .org has modded and opped many Predators:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... e/rape.jpg[/img]

The evidence of such activities has grown in legion as the administration has grown comfortable with their power.  While we all know about Despain's sexual exploitation of Wumpi and Holly, few know the true depths his depravity goes.  Venetia, Wumpi, Teloch, really all female and gay male ops and moderators of this forum are in fact his sexual slaves.  This is not due to an exemplary libido or powerful sexual prowess on Despain's part, but rather its through careful psychological and sexual manipulation that is similar to what Hentai Demons practice upon the common folk in those japanese documentaries on the phenomenon.  Take this conversation between Despain and Teloch:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... dence3.jpg[/img]
Note the instant compliance in Teloch's behavior followed by the extended ellipsis.  Commonly people sexually enslaved by mind altering psychological and sexual abuse become zombified by their master's call.  The ellipsis is the written expression of such robotic pauses characteristic of women entranced by their rapists.  It also represents her struggle to be free.  The fact that she continues to type in the ellipsis demonstrates she is struggling to find the language to say no.  Unfortunately those on the staff are too far gone, and are now physically bonded to Despain's sexual will the way that lifetime junkies are dependent on heroin.

Not only does Despain troll this forum for sex slaves and gang rape.  He also shares rape tips with members of his Junta so that they too can ply the trade until the entire forum is enslaved:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... dence2.jpg[/img]
Yet despite his current following there is hope to free ourselves of this sexual tyranny, for Despain is tiring and his libido becoming limp and strange:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... viance.jpg[/img]

We deserve sexual security!  We demand a rape free media!  You do not have to put up with sexual assault!  Speak up for other members!  And for god sakes open some baw threads when you see it happen.  When you expose festering bacteria to the light it dies, and such will be this excess of Despain's rape cult!

More grievances coming soon...
Grievance two ~ They Operate Under the Cover of Whiteness
You may have noticed that ever since we transferred over to SMF we have been plagued by what appears to be white screen errors.  The administration has claimed it is an error and have sworn continuously that the are attempting to fix this error.  This is actually a complete falsehood.  The seemingly innocuous and random white screen error is actually a tactic for forum repression.  The administrators put it up to screen the nasty purges they make to our movements postings.  The Vigilante Resistance Council (VRC) has made over fifty anti administration posts a day, but thanks to the evil white screen they are removed from the forum before any of the users can see the truth and freedom we have to offer.  The white screen in essence is there cloak of darkness they use to screen our virgin eyes from their tyrannical actions of rape and censorship.  While the white screen is up Resistance members and gang flamed and sexually humiliated by the administration before being ip banned and purged forever from the board.  Hundreds of our comrades have been purged as a result, and thousands of valuable posts lost.

But the VRC has found a way around the white screen of secrecy.  You see they are a clever bunch here at the .org, but not that clever.  When you first login the forum software writes a registry key randomly to your windows registry.  All you need to do is find that key and delete it and the white screen will be gone.

To start you need to open your registry editor.  Go to your start menu and select run.  In the dialog box type regedit.  This will open up the registry editor program.  Now look for the following registry keys: {37C418D8-C94A-4C2C-A01F-A45C0D8F6F34} and {OKY11-78UUIF-098KYT}

They are placed randomly in the windows registry so you really have to search the whole thing.  Once you locate them delete them.  If its your first time fiddling with the registry don't worry if you delete the wrong keys its not a big deal.

Start -> run -> regedit -> search and delete

We urge all interested in stopping these abuses to go into their registries and delete entries so we may pierce the white veil to witness the dirty truth within.

Stay tuned for more grievances



How long have we taken such outright abuse? may Despain and his legion of buttsex rapists and child molesters suffer a thousand deaths before being sent to do an eternity of punishment alongside satanist Helen Keller! Let us make our Naruto fan games in peace!

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