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Cutom battle system request

Hello all, let me tell you my CBS request for my game.

Ok, ill write what i need. I'll give description with it.

-MP start at a certain number when starting a combat. (FIND IT)
Since my maximum MP is 100, i want that each combat i do, i start with 10. And at the end, i come back to 100.
-Regeneration of MP. (FIND IT)
Basicly, each turn, i regain 1 MP.
-Combine Spells (FIND IT)
Some spells could combine together to form stronger ones, but not from multiple character, by using the same character, since this is a single character CBS.
EX: i want to combine "Fire Ball" and "Frost spike" to form "Ice Sparkle" for one turn. I'll pay both spells MP to cast the combine one.

-Summoning Ally in combat.
Be able to summon monster that will help me in combat for the combat. a maximum of one monster out at any time. And when the monster his out, the enemy must attack the monster first. i though of summoning them by items. But, they would cost MP to summon them.
-Element Lvl-Up
I'm using 8 element, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Moon, Wood, Light and Darkness. And these is almost the key of everything in my game cause each spell would (maybe not all) need a lvl of that element to cast it.
EX: i want to cast Moonflare, but it need 1 Moon lvl to cast it.
I though of increasing lvl of that element by items too, something like i use it and my lvl goes up by 1 for a maximum of 3 lvl each.
I want these to work with Spells and summon.

That all for now, when other thing come in mind, ill add it.
And i thank for watching this topic.
-MP start at a certain number when starting a combat.
Since my maximum MP is 100, i want that each combat i do, i start with 10. And at the end, i come back to 100.
- Trickster Minstral Song BP System
Regain 1 MP Each Turn - Same as Above
Summon Ally - Can't Help you their
Combine Spells - I believe such a script is in the works
Elemental Level Up - Can't help you with that either

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