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Custom Message Design


I am in search of someone with the ability to create/edit a Custom Message System to fit my needs.

I have designed (graphically) a Custom Message System and would like it to be scripted.

Pretty much what I would like is that the system looks like the image below.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v312/ ... yle2-1.png[/IMG]

When a person speaks, their portrait appears and the text area slides out from the portrait.
Also, when the text appears, it is letter by letter style.

For more information, please contact me VIA AIM or PM.

My AIM Screenname is MR ISHBUU

Thank you very much.
I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this, and I hope that somebody replies.

Thanks again.

---Mr. Ishbuu

Edit: I just realized I put this in the wrong place. Can a mod please move this to the requests section?

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