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Custom Menu System (CMS) and Battle Menu System

Alright, I did a search for it with no success, so if it has already been posted before, I apologize. Either I typed in the wrong search topics, or I managed to overlook the topic title.

What I am looking for is a menu system like that found in the Shining Force series, specifically 1 and 2.

When escape, or (Input::C) is pressed, it shows 4 boxes on the bottom (or, better yet, keep it customizable for any corner or side) of the screen. The boxes will be set up as follows:

(I took the default image boxes from here)

In the script they would need to be perfect squares of, say.. 75x75 pixels (again, leave room for customization in that part). The contents of the boxes would be as follows:

1) "Items", which would open up a sub menu (like depicted by the line), and the sub menu would would show 4 more boxes, which will display:
. 1a) "Recovery Items" (this would obviously need to be shortened, perhaps just simply have it say "Items". Opens up a half-screen window with a list of items, and the info window at the very top.
. 1b) "Equipment" (this would be weapons, armor and accessories) Same as Items menu
. 1c) "Quest Items" (as the name implies.. shorten as needed) Same as Items menu
. 1d) "Back", which will send you back to the original "top" menu.
2) "Skills" Will bring up a sub menu (just a normal full screen menu) showing, on the left side, a list of your characters simply by name. In the right window it will show their list of skills. When you select a character to examine, the cursor will jump over to their list of skills, which you can highlight and read the info of in the top window.
3) "Status" Much like the skill window, only in the top menu, it will show the character potrait (not the battler, it will need to be a customized photo, much like LegACy's "class_" option in his CMS, though it can be an option to display the photo or the sprite) and the bottom window will be a single window showing the stats of the character and what they have equipped.
4) Would simply display the word "More" and go to the next menu as shown by the line in the photo.

5) "Equip" will bring up an equip menu like the skill window, info in the top window, character list on the left, equipment available list in the right window. A new addition, however, above the right window, place another window which shows all stats, as usual, and when a piece of equipment is selected it will do the usual which stats increase or reduce.
6) "Party Swap" feature. A full-screen window showing a list of ALL party members in the left window, character potrait and hp/sp/level/class/name (of the character selected, of course) in the top right window, and the bottom right window will be the list of your combat party. Make this part customizable, perhaps with an "unlimited" amount of party members being available for combat.
7) "Exit" will go to the next sub menu as depicted by the line
8) "Back" will go back to the "top" menu

9) "Exit to Title" Quits out to the title screen
10) "Exit Game" Exits the game
11) "Save" will bring up the standard save menu (with no options of there being more than 4 save slots)
12) "Back" will go back to the "MORE" menu.

Combat menu will be just like the "NORMAL MENU", only with these options:
1) "Attack" Does a normal attack. No brainer.
2) "Skill" Opens up the skill list like normal.
3) "Defend" Does as it says.
4) "Item" Opens up the normal item menu

I believe that covers everything I want, and should be enough explanation. Any questions please let me know. I would like to personally test this script myself before releasing it to the public so I may offer tips, criticism and (perhaps, I'm no scripting genious) some assistance to whoever undertakes this task.
I thought I had explained it well enough with describing the placement of the windows and everything.. what exactly don't you understand about it?

The "skill" menu would look something like this, and every menu that refers to the "skill" menu, except when it says otherwise.

The status screen will look something like this.

I can't seem to find any pictures of the actual menu screen, but just imagine 4 boxes on the bottom of the screen, and when you go to the options I specified in the list (item, skill, status and more), it will show 4 new boxes with the items in the list, and in that grouping of 4 boxes it will show the new list (equip, party swap, exit and back)... get the idea now?

Alright, I managed to dig up my old Sega emulator, and took a screenshot of the menu in action (albeit out of proportion, but that doesn't matter). That picture is the "main top" menu, and in my explanation, every time you click on a menu that says it goes to a new menu, it will scroll off as like in this photo (it scrolls relatively fast), and the new one appears in it's place by scrolling upwards from off the bottom of the screen, like so.

I hope that helps.

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