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Curse_Apple Template by Brainstorm [EIGHTY-SIXED!]

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I was gonna get Brain to post this, but he shy or something. :0

Now, before you all go "ergh not another template riptearshred," keep in mind that no one's actually making you use this for your spriting projects, and I never really understood that line of reasoning anyhow. After all, some dudes want a certain sort of thing for their game's. This was requested (jokingly, at first,) by myself on IRC, where Brain and I have kept in touch for the most part. Now, I'm not totally confident in my abilities to critique a piece, especially considering all the deity-level spriters on these forums, and since I'll be using this as a base to sprite off of when I eventually get Ghost's Town underway, I want it to be as good as possible! Call it selfishness if you really wanna, but you know you love me. :D

http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/9566 ... atelu6.png[/img]
This image totally © Brainstorm.
This is the latest WIP, with relatively new isometric poses. Brain and I would both really appreciate it if you cut it into little tiny pieces with your criticism, especially if you spot some niggling little errors that we can't! I see a few problems, but I's lazy. I'll probably address Brain directly later after he post's.

Get to it! Brain and I thank you!

News: Well, Brain was a huge wimp so he bailed on the project. I still gonna make a template of my own (mostly to hone my own skill now more than anything else) but it's probably not going to look anything like this. curse apple is such a cool name that I'm recycling it for what I'll eventually make, though!

The only criticism I can come up with now is that the shadow colour on the shoulders in the isometric poses looks off.



Speaking of the shoulders, the only thing I find wrong is the shoulders. They look too jagged on the iso veiws.

Oh, and on the back facing poses they look like they have breasts on the back, rather then muscles there.

Other then that, it's pretty damn good. Nice to see another 8 directional template, too.



Well, Ray and Brain, I`d say that the breasts on the downward diagonal view seem to be gravitating toward the center of her stomach, and her arms on the back diagonal view are far stiffer than in the other views. The legs in the back diagonal view look decidedly insectoid in the way they go concave in the middle but taper back out before the foot. However, I really like the style so far! Ray, you should totally give Brain a high five for this.

Also Ray is a handsome dude with a handsome face and I`m sure he'll use this template AMAZINGLY.

Oh also I think the lady's feet are too close together on the front and back views



Brain I hope you're listening to these critiques, since I've heard what you were saying about them on IRC. I can always get another dude to make the template if you're just gonna ignore what other people say (at least if what they say might lead to a better final product.) I'm very selfish like that when you get right down to it. o3o

I agree with the backboobs comment, for the shoulderblades are far too pronounced and should not meet in the center of the back. The frontview does look a little like it's slouching, and that's probably just a shading issue around the chest or arms. Any ideas on how to fix that, anyone?

No comments on the shadow colour 'cuz I'm colourblind, or the shoulders because I think I already noted the stiffness. :0
To me, they look so slouchy. I can understand the stylistic approach to making their hips thrust forward, but in sprites this small, all I can see is slouch slouch slouch. Perhaps if you squared off the shoulders a little more, tucked back the pelvis in the side view, and gave a slightly more outward bend to the arms, the slouchy slouchiness of it would be reduced considerably.

They don't need to stand like soldiers, they just need to look less ... slouchy.
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