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Cucumber Template Sprites

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I love Green Raven's Cucumber Template. I'm considering using it for my current project, but a bit wary of custom spriting my entire game. Having a larger pool of resources would help... has anyone else used the Cucumber template that wouldn't mind having their work frankensprited and edited? Credit would be given, of course.

I'm not sure if anyone else can use what I've done so far, but here's what I've finished, at any rate.

I updated the female template, the sideview's boobs were too big in comparison to the front (as I see you have noticed for yourself) so, I made a newer one. I also finished a female sprite, which you can feel free to frankensprite from, but please do not use directly(it's my main character).
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7171/cucumberfemcq2.png[/IMG] http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/897/loveix9.png[/IMG]http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/4118/cucumbermusclehv7.png[/IMG]

Hopefully that works, imageshack confuses me as to which link is the correct one to use. And the sprite I made still needs some tweaking, such as the hair needs to move a bit when she moves.

EDIT: Made a muscular male template. Not perfected cause the shading is all over the place, but the general form works pretty well I think (after testing it in RMXP). May fool around with the side view a bit more.
GREAT!! someone is using this template :)

Man I love your designs, but there is some serious pillowshading going on there.
I suggest going trough some pixel tutorials or look at the work of some other spriters.

btw if you are going for the more cartoony style, you could take the hair from the breeze characters and use them on this template.

keep it up
I'm not sure I completely understand what pillow shading is. I've only been spriting for about a week, so I'm still a little dumb about these things. Does it have something to do with the hair? I like a cartoonier, bubblier hair look, but that's probably because I'm new at this and haven't developed champagne taste in my sprites yet. =) I'm evolving. I've read through some of the tutorials, though I wouldn't mind if you pointed to something specific, or even showed me what you meant by editing my sprites. I'm not very territorial about them, so I definitely don't mind, and it would really help me visualize differences in a way that looking at other people's designs might not.

Sorry, this isn't really a request. I'm sure you've got better things to do. I'm just saying I wouldn't mind, and in fact it would be appreciated. =)
it's actually in the middle of the night over here so I don't have anything important to do atm ;)

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... odhelp.png[/IMG]
actually I was mistaken it wasn't *pillowshading at all just a bad choice of colours and picking colourtones that lay to close to eachother.

*pillowshading= when someone puts shading all around the sprite wich makes it looks pillowlike.

1. I suggest you use brighter colours except for the outlines
2.don't use unnecesarry detail "like the yellow straps" but use details that you are actually able to see, like a cape, gloves, belt, buttons etc.
3. and for the hair, well I actually think a cartoony style like I do on the breezetemplate fits it well.

some other examples
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... amples.png[/IMG]

btw if you feel like finishing my characters you have my permission :) I hope you keep this up man.
these are only tips for you to improve so don't take them to hard ;)
Okay, Thanks GreenRaven. That's really helpful. Sometimes I worry about overdoing the contrast, and I probably err on the side of dark out of fear of them looking washed out. Your fabrics are a big improvement. I'll definitely try to employ that type of coloring more.

I have to be honest... I do prefer my hair. Again, you're much better at this than I am, so I'm willing to concede that the problem is poor taste on my part. I'll work on it, though. I could definitely stand to lighten the hair as well as the fabrics, at any rate.

Tips are always appreciated. I don't pretend to be a pro at any of this. It's a lot of fun, so I keep at it, but it's not a point of pride for me, so I never mind constructive input. Thanks a lot, both for the template and the advice.

Oh, and LightandMagic, thanks for letting me use that sprite. I'll be sure to modify it for use. The top two characters are main characters in my project too. I already did the geckonid... no template help there. And now I'm working on a dragonkin creature... definitely a challenge. Spriting is hard, but it's a lot of fun. especially with good templates, so thanks for the female version of this one!
No problem, in case you missed it, I added a "muscular" template. You'll definately have to rely on your own form of shading, cause I didn't pay attention to that when I was doing it (just getting the form) so feel free to use that too.

And what's a geckonid, and a dragonkin? =\
Oh, yeah, I guess maybe that's not entirely self-explanatory. =) Geckonids are an iconic race in the game I'm working on. Their a breed of lizardfolk based on geckos.


The dragonkin is just a man-sized dragonlike creature. Goes on all fours, making it much more difficult for a rookie like me. I think it's coming along rather well, though, given my relative inexperience.
It's a definate nice start, however I suggest reducing the size of the head and bulking up the neck. Right now, the neck looks way too fragile to hold up that huge head. And I think the sideviews look taller than the front and back view, you should try and make them equal size. Other than that, it's looking nice.
Thanks, L&M. To be honest, I'm pretty satisfied with the geckonids... and I'd better be, because I've done a lot of color and pattern variations that I don't really want to have to re-edit individually. I'm not claiming they're perfect, but at this point, I'm unlikely to produce perfection. I do appreciate the advice, but the geckonids are a finished product, like 'em or lump 'em. Or, actually, like 'em, ignore 'em, or edit 'em to your heart's content. =)

I think the big-head/thin-neck looks goes really well with the Cucumber template humans. I know it may not be everyone's aesthetic, but again, that's why I have no problem with people editing my stuff. It was actually my geckonid design that sent me looking for a template for humans that would go better with them than the default sprites. If only I could get my humans to where I like them as much as the geckonids. Oh well, it'll come with practice, hopefully.

I do appreciate the advice, though, L&M, so don't feel like it's not wanted. In this case, I'm unlikely to change those sprites, but I'll have more to consider for other sprites I do. Thanks. =)
Yay! Made a simple dress (in 5 colours!) to make simple NPCs from. And here it is:


Got sidetracked from spriting, but I've done a bit more. There's some frankenspriting here, mostly from RTP with hats and such. Still not the best at it, but maybe they'd be worth something to somebody. Edit, franken, burn, whatever. Credit to Green Raven for the template, not me.

Can no one read the news it says: DO NOT NECROPOST!
What you just did isn't just a necropost, but it has absolutely nothing relevant to the topic or even remotely informative to say.
How many times do we have to say something about it before people stop, such incompetent people on this forum. Read for all our sakes, you have eyes, use them, and you also have a brain to comprehend.

Necromancers bring back the dead using death magic, so you are bringing back a "dead" post by Necro = Dead, post = post, So please don't necropost.
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