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Critique on Shaded Cortez

Yo, everyone, it's been a while since I last posted something on Resource Analysis. Anywho, over the past few weeks I've been working on my spriting skills. Recently, I got a game idea and the desire to upgrade the template (Breeze) I was using for a project I have under development, and the Cortez template came to mind.

Well, as some of you know, the Cortez template isn't shaded, so I decided to add my own shading to it. As to how it looks, I think it looks pretty good, but I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong somewhere. So I'd like it if you guys (The Cruel, Hard Community) would tear it to shreds and scatter all over the ground to be picked up. I'd really like to make this template as good as it can be.

Thanks and start Shredding!

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/1517 ... plenk1.png[/imgzoom]
eww the cortez. the person who made it knew NOTHING about spriting at the time that he made it

personally i think that my zephyr serves as an updated cortez of sorts as well as the intended breeze improvement. i know thatit seems like i've been whoring out this guy for a while, but really the cortez is a bit of an embarassment (especially the HORRIBLE side views) and the zephyr is a much welcome improvement over it.

if you're dead set on continuing this (and it might be good practice to go for it just for the experience), I have two major things to say

1. pillowshading. avoid it.
2. MORE CONTRAST between your colors. make your darks darker (and bluer) and your lights lighter (and yellower)

also the thick outline on cortez was meant to bring out the "cartooniness" of it. if you're shading it, try and soften the outline. it looks especially jagged the way you have it, especially around his head.
yeah the cortez is a very funny looking temp, it looks like a sleepy baby with tentacle arms :/

Also the fact that the black outline is done incorrectly (not your fault, it's the creator's) makes it even worse :/
Hey, awesome, my two favorite forums peeps came through for me  :tongue:.

@Dessy Pain: To be honest with you, I fell in love with Zephyr the first time I saw it, just as I did with T.A.T.A. But, the only problem with it is that, I'm not sure if it will be able to handle carrying guns. That's my main concern, because, for both of the games I'm planning, they absolutely MUST support Projectile Weapons (Guns), mostly because they'll be modern games. But, if you can convince me other wise, I'll bite! I've already been fooling around with it so, any other evidences will lock me in. Anyways, thanks for the critisism.

@Vene: Yeah, the only reason I started working with it, was because I liked how Onsokamaru rolled his game with it. Thanks for the Help though and your right, Cortie's body is all segmented weird and stuff.  :specs:
Venetia Macgyver":3vfpsmgh said:
Also the fact that the black outline is done incorrectly (not your fault, it's the creator's) makes it even worse :/


But, the only problem with it is that, I'm not sure if it will be able to handle carrying guns.

what do you mean by CARRYING GUNS? like holding a gun at his side during the walk cycle, or like an edit to show him pointing a gun at someone. because realistically when walking around a gun would be holstered anyway, and if it was out, the arms would be positioned differently to hold the gun, and edits like that are possible. it just takes some pixelwork, pretty much anything is possible.

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