I don't have too much right now, but this is my first real attempt at drawing tiles, and I wanna know if I'm making a lot of mistakes before I go draw a bunch. Criticism is much appreciated!
Also, please note that this is not for public use.
EDIT: You know, the more worldbuilding I do, the more my ideas drift towards postcyberpunk, which means all of this dilapidation may have to go. :x Maybe I should finish worldbuilding before jumping the gun here. Also, I'm thinking about doing 16x16 tiles and just scaling them up to save work. If I do, I may release this, but we'll have to see how it goes.
Also, please note that this is not for public use.
EDIT: You know, the more worldbuilding I do, the more my ideas drift towards postcyberpunk, which means all of this dilapidation may have to go. :x Maybe I should finish worldbuilding before jumping the gun here. Also, I'm thinking about doing 16x16 tiles and just scaling them up to save work. If I do, I may release this, but we'll have to see how it goes.[/imgzoom]