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Creative Writing Workshop

First off, I'd like to thank Septimus84 for giving me the idea of starting this up!


I tried to do something similar a while ago, but I was choosing horrible themes and there was very little participation. Basically, we choose a theme for the week and everyone who's interested writes something based on that theme. It can be anything literary - poetry, a screenplay, a short story, lyrics, etc. When people are finished, they post what they wrote and everyone tries to give them critiques and advice to help them improve. It'll hopefully be a fun creative writing exercise. ^_^

Along the way, feel free to suggest new themes for later weeks. Sticking to the theme is important, but feel free to interpret the theme however you'd like. For example, if the theme is "pumpkin" and your first thought is Halloween, you can certainly write something based around Halloween. If you're stuck and don't know what to write, my suggestion is to do an image search. And if you use something as inspiration, such as an image, photo, or song, feel free to post that along with your piece.

And if you end up writing multiple things feel free to post them all. There aren't any limits on minimum or maximum sizes for this. :biggrin:

January 10, 2009 - the color blue
>> Thread <<

January 25, 2010 - "seasons"
>> Thread <<

February 14, 2010

The theme for the next two weeks is Death.

Post your submissions in this thread.

Let's see where this goes. If we get enough participation I'll try to keep this going every other week!
There isn't really a deadline. It's a workshop, so it's fine to keep working on something even if we've moved on. We'll have a new theme each week, though. I hope that made sense. >_>
Perhaps somewhere that mentions "Creative Writing" as that gets a great deal of searches and requests from people? Also... that Septimus guy sounds like he has some great ideas.
in the 1st literary workshop a long ass time ago i came up w/ something that was pretty cool (imo anyway), so yeah i'll give it a run this time round. idk how much i'll get done considering how busy i am but something is better than nothing.

p.s. do we make a separate thread for our entry thingys or is there a catch-all thread somewhere or ????
Septimus84":1oathfva said:
Perhaps somewhere that mentions "Creative Writing" as that gets a great deal of searches and requests from people?
Good idea. "Creative Writing Workshop" might be a better name for this. What does everyone else think?

Venetia":1oathfva said:
p.s. do we make a separate thread for our entry thingys or is there a catch-all thread somewhere or ????
I was actually planning on just having everyone post in this thread. Do you think it would be better to have a separate thread for submissions?

So we'll use this thread to discuss things like themes and suggestions for the workshop. And all of the submissions and critiques should be in the weekly threads. ^_^
you could also upload .txt files on ohsk, they display in-browser
and just make a compendium in the first post, like in the wmw
Maybe I'll try and write something for this. I'm usually terrible at writing description and imagery so I'll probably write something mostly based on that. :]

Hell, maybe I'll try a screenplay or something!
... I AM working on this... but I keep backtracking and starting over... I love the concept I'm writing about, but it turns out I needed alot of thinking and planning for it to make sense so.... time, baby, time.
Heh I need to work on the thing I wrote, as well. Any complaints to making this bi-weekly instead of weekly? It'll give people a bit more time.
Erm...apologies for my lack of keeping up with this. If I'm not in the right mood I have a horrible time trying to force myself to do critiques and I feel bad proceeding without going through everything people have posted from the last one, but this needs to keep moving.

The theme for the next two weeks will be "seasons". If you have something you want to finish for the last theme, you're more than welcome to continue working on it and post it in the thread for that theme. :3

Also I re-named this to Creative Writing Workshop as it feels more appropriate.
Uhm...I guess so. This is meant to encourage writing new stuff, but I suppose you could post things from before the theme starts as long as it's still recent. I just ask that it isn't anything more than a month old. Anything older than that should be put in it's own thread. ^_^
I apologize for being kind of lazy with keeping up with this, but I'm here now! >_>;

The new theme is simple: Death. I'm planning on doing another section for NYC Mage out of this one and Venetia can write about zombies. :wink:
Ironically, I chose this theme about a week ago but decided to post it on Valentines Day. Totally didn't mean to do that, but it's interesting.


Anyway, the thread for this week's theme has been created and I edited the first post here.

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