I really like this debate so I want to bring it over to my favourite forum.
My grandfather is a scientist, it was his profession and the scientific method is how he carried out his job, it is how he cooks his dinners too (Measures, tests food, etc), but he is a Christian who believes in God, perhaps it's because of the time he grew up where Christianity in England was taught as truth along side science.
I think the reason he is still a Christian is because at some point a scientist will see something so perfect with no way to prove it and then they just believe in something.
Anyone can be a scientist, you're a scientist when you practice of the scientific method, so the argument isn't science versus religion because science isn't a religion, but Creationism vs. Evolution.
Evolution is a theory, proving it is still quite difficult as it's a slow process and only the theories of natural selection can be proven, so the example of changing an environment and seeing how the offspring of creatures become adapted where their ancestors failed to survive long enough to reproduce.
A notable examples is the peppered moth that appeared to change colour during the industrial revolution [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth]
Creationism is the origin of everything based on a book with stories that are common across Judaism, Islam and Christianity (And some other religions) all with the same god, and the book is the only source of truth and people probably believe that because of it's age (Which is actually older than the 6000 years Creationists cite as the age of the Earth). If you don't know the story of Creation, basically a god made the Earth and Sun in 6 days, took a break, and humanity comes from 2 people, the female came from the rib of the male. Later on there was a flood, 8 people build a wooden boat and fit a load of animals on it, a year later the flood ends and the 8 people restart humanity, then eventually people build a big tower which angers the god who then gives them all different languages and then humans spread across Earth depending on what language they were given.
My grandfather is a scientist, it was his profession and the scientific method is how he carried out his job, it is how he cooks his dinners too (Measures, tests food, etc), but he is a Christian who believes in God, perhaps it's because of the time he grew up where Christianity in England was taught as truth along side science.
I think the reason he is still a Christian is because at some point a scientist will see something so perfect with no way to prove it and then they just believe in something.
Anyone can be a scientist, you're a scientist when you practice of the scientific method, so the argument isn't science versus religion because science isn't a religion, but Creationism vs. Evolution.
Evolution is a theory, proving it is still quite difficult as it's a slow process and only the theories of natural selection can be proven, so the example of changing an environment and seeing how the offspring of creatures become adapted where their ancestors failed to survive long enough to reproduce.
A notable examples is the peppered moth that appeared to change colour during the industrial revolution [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppered_moth]
Creationism is the origin of everything based on a book with stories that are common across Judaism, Islam and Christianity (And some other religions) all with the same god, and the book is the only source of truth and people probably believe that because of it's age (Which is actually older than the 6000 years Creationists cite as the age of the Earth). If you don't know the story of Creation, basically a god made the Earth and Sun in 6 days, took a break, and humanity comes from 2 people, the female came from the rib of the male. Later on there was a flood, 8 people build a wooden boat and fit a load of animals on it, a year later the flood ends and the 8 people restart humanity, then eventually people build a big tower which angers the god who then gives them all different languages and then humans spread across Earth depending on what language they were given.