Hello. I am writing two scripts for my Interact Pack, Game_NPC, and Game_OBJ. Both should work similarly to Game_Actor. But I need to know a few things:
First of all, what do you think is easier for the developer of a game;
1. Creating a file for each NPC and OBJ in thier own folders in GameFolder/Data, and loading these files like Game_Actors loads the in-editor Database Actors Data.
2. Creating the information for the objects and npcs in a seperate script (like Game_NPCs and Game_OBJs #note the added s's). Each NPC and OBJ would be created in an array like this:
npc1 = [name, age, gender]
npc2 = [name, age, gender]
npc3 = [name, age, gender]
npc = [npc1, npc2, npc3]
Same for the OBJects. These 2 arrays (npc and obj) would be loaded into Game_NPC and Game_OBJ.
These are the only two methods of doing this that I can think of. Which one do you prefer, so I know which is more popular.
If 1. is chosen, I will need to know how to load and read text files (one line at a time).
And I need to know how to assign variables to each individual obj and npc so that I can do this:
$game_npc[npc_id].name = "NewNameString"
name = $game_npc[npc_id].getName #returns NPC[npc_id]'s name
I am kind of confused (learning too many languages at once). At least help with the last bit about assigning variables. Thanks for any help, and Peace Out!
First of all, what do you think is easier for the developer of a game;
1. Creating a file for each NPC and OBJ in thier own folders in GameFolder/Data, and loading these files like Game_Actors loads the in-editor Database Actors Data.
2. Creating the information for the objects and npcs in a seperate script (like Game_NPCs and Game_OBJs #note the added s's). Each NPC and OBJ would be created in an array like this:
npc1 = [name, age, gender]
npc2 = [name, age, gender]
npc3 = [name, age, gender]
npc = [npc1, npc2, npc3]
Same for the OBJects. These 2 arrays (npc and obj) would be loaded into Game_NPC and Game_OBJ.
These are the only two methods of doing this that I can think of. Which one do you prefer, so I know which is more popular.
If 1. is chosen, I will need to know how to load and read text files (one line at a time).
And I need to know how to assign variables to each individual obj and npc so that I can do this:
$game_npc[npc_id].name = "NewNameString"
name = $game_npc[npc_id].getName #returns NPC[npc_id]'s name
I am kind of confused (learning too many languages at once). At least help with the last bit about assigning variables. Thanks for any help, and Peace Out!