I was playing with the Sephirothspawn Event Spawner, but when i try to make a move route i get errors.
Well, I try to make it, but I can't get it, I know there is something to add, but I don't know what.
I get an error for undefined method for RPG::MoveCommand in this line ( arround last line of the following script, i mark it)
Well, who knows how to create a move route with EventSpawner or the Same Creator :biggrin: , can helpme with this?, thanks
The Complete script is here:
Well, I try to make it, but I can't get it, I know there is something to add, but I don't know what.
I get an error for undefined method for RPG::MoveCommand in this line ( arround last line of the following script, i mark it)
 # * Generate Move Route
 #  list = [ <move_command>, ... ]
 #  <move_command> : [code, parameters]
 #  If no parameters required :
 #  <move_command> : code
 def self.generate_move_route(list = [], repeat = true, skippable = false)
  # Creates New Move Route
  move_route = RPG::MoveRoute.new
  # Sets Repeat & Skipable
  move_route.repeat   = repeat
  move_route.skippable = skippable
  # Passes Through List
  for move_command in list
   if move_command.is_a?(Array)
    code, parameters = move_command[0], move_command[1]
    code, parameters = move_command, []
   # Crates New MoveCommand
   move_command = RPG::MoveCommand.new
   # Adds MoveCommand to List
   move_route << move_command
   # Sets MoveCommand Properties
   move_command.parameters = parameters
   move_command.code = code
  # Add Blank Move Command
  move_route << RPG::MoveCommand.new #THIS LINE!!!
  # Return Move Route
  return move_route
Well, who knows how to create a move route with EventSpawner or the Same Creator :biggrin: , can helpme with this?, thanks
The Complete script is here: