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Costume system

Can some one make like a costume system, where theirs a menu and you like choose a certain costume in a list of all the ones you earned so far.

If you choose a costume it will change your Character, battle graphic, and unlock special skills for that costume.

Example: You have something like cyber armor, and when you choose it your wearing the cyber armor and have skills like, cyber buster. but when you change costumes or take it off you lose the skills and it switches to the new armor or your regular clothes.

But I really only want it to take effect on the main character, also i tried using events but it didnt turn out well......
anyway If its to hard then dont do it, but it can be very useful to me and alot of people.

Also if its already made can I get a link.
Well what you can do is with events you can use a conditional branch and selecect "when actor is equipped" and then choose armor. From here you can then use "Change actor graphic" to whichever you want and then in the second case nothing. Then just create one for each armor. That should take care of the graphics part. :D

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