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CoR, OC & CA - Images (lots)



Here are the battlers for many of the games my husband and I worked on. All drawings are done by me and I can easily duplicate the style and coloring of these pictures. I can even mix and match! Like the style of Outlaw City but the coloring of Cast Aside, or something else of the like.

My DA Account has all my none game related material as well as some of these. I keep 120 images on there plus scraps, so feel free to browse. Note though: if it doesn't have "Commission", "MISH" or something else of the like in the title I didn't give it my all. I only work my hardest for money or my husband. <-- greedy little turd

For the summons in CoR I'm still working on the dragon, unicorn, and gryphon. I did however make a desktop background with the phoenix.

Edit 07/26/2007:
Cleaned up old submissions, added battlers for Cast Aside

If you have questions concerning any of these images, please feel free to ask.

A few tutorials:
o Comic Coloring
o Cast Aside SD



I do quite like the last couple of images (including the background). Very nice proportioning and colour definition, I must say. The OC look like they're almost from professional comic artists ;)
Wow, I've never seen the Outlaw City battlers so close before. A lot of detail gets lost when you resize art like that to fit into RMXP. The other ones are really lively, too. Especially the one with Alex shouting. You get the feeling his head is about to explode. Very nicely done there.



I fixed my original post quite a bit. I organized all the art in spoiler tags... ^^;;

Added two collaborative pieces for CoR and one battler for OC.
that's some awesome art you have there, I like them a lot. The oc pieces are shaded very nicely * I wish I could find the time >,<*
the Cor characters look very nice too, I also like the fact you made chibi's from them <3



Completely edited original post. I added a section for Cast Aside, fixed my comment at top, and shrank some of the images so it looks a bit nicer.

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