Thread Ownership
1. Minimum requirements for a thread
There is a set of requirements that must be met when creating threads. These requirements show us that you are making an effort with your project and want constructive advice and feedback.
* At least two screenshots. Screenshots show that you’ve actually made progress on your project beyond conceptual stages. Your screenshots need to show actual gameplay, not just title screens or menus.
* At least one full paragraph of story description. You need to tell us what happens during the game, and what the player will be doing and trying to accomplish.
Because these are only the bare minimums you must include in your thread, feel free to have some flexibility in your thread. It’s generally a good idea to include information and a small biography about some of the main characters, as well as some of your project’s features, things that set it apart from other games and make it unique.
Remember, any genre of game is allowed here. We don’t want you to feel constricted with the requirements. You can substitute story description, for example, for a description of gameplay if your game is more of an action or a shooter game. The main goal is for people to get a good idea of what your game is about and what playing the game involves.