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Controlling self-switches. Please?



This is just background. Skip it if you wish.

Okay, for those who want to know why I am needing this, I have characters who use skills which need items. I want to make these items easy to stock up on, so I decided on being able to pick them up and having them re-appear upon re-entry of an area. (If you need an example, like cuting grass/trees on the pokemon games and coming back later to see they've re-appeared. This isn't really the kind of thing I can back up with screens, sorry.) I've tired doing this with switches and not only is it a pain in the arse, I'm wasteing a lot of switches. I'd like to be able to use self switches for this, but as far as I can tell, events can't alter each other's self switches.

Okay, If you skipped that part start reading here.

Basically what I need is:

Being able to alter (or just reset if it's easier, I only need them turned off) the self switches of events using a call script on a different event

Being able to say which events I want the switches changing on (to differentiate between harvestable and 'one-time' items. I don't want the player to find LOLULTIMATEWEPON in a chest and leave, return and get it again)

That's it, I think. It would be brilliant if it could get along well with the SDK, too, since I'm going to have my work cut out for me if it doesn't and I really don't understand these things.

I can't really offer much in return, If you wanted art I suppose I could do that.
Quite simple, really.
key = [map_id, event_id, switch]
$game_selfswitches[key] = bool
map_id and event_id are self explanitory, switch is either 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D', and bool is either true or false.

Remember to $game_map.refresh after setting the switch.

(My not be 100% correct. I don't have RMXP on this comp.)

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