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Concepting for a game of mine.

Its 90% beat em up action using the Mr.Mo abs. Its losley based on a story with most of the gameplay revolving around having fun. The main theme will be an arena like place where the player can earn money, buy weapons, progress through the light story without having to do much thinking. With every arena boss beaten you get thier weapon and a badass new skill. Simple, fun, and easy to play.



I think it's adieu.

Nice drawing, but the posture from the neck up is weird and makes it looks unprofessional as a whole. It's pretty nitpicky, but you'd do good to have his head a bit further cocked back and not sticking forward. Otherwise not much else wrong with it. Good luck. :)
It's spelled "ado", as in the Shakespearian work "Much ado about nothing" - meaning bustle or fuss. Adieu, although in proper spelling, is the french word for "goodbye", but does not have place in this expression.

Now that we got the English (and French!) out of the way ... I like the concept, though the character's head seems just a little too big for the body. It makes it look like the character has a really small frame. However, if this is what you're going for - a very muscled character with a really tiny frame - then it's well-executed!

I'd love to see more sketches :)
Just to let you know, Unless its a resource it belongs in design and development. I'm Going to go ahead and move this for ya , kay? =)

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