OK, well for me it was a little bit of just playing with things until it worked so what I say may or may not work.
To begin you will need A Ti-84+ calculator (I have Ti-84 Plus Silver Ed.), the wire that connects it to your computer, and Ti-Connect. Ti-Connect can usually be downloaded off the CD that comes with the calculator. If not you can get it for free
Make sure you have all of these elements and that your Ti-Connect and Computer recognize your Calculator.
Don't ask me how, I just fiddled with it until it worked.
First: Download the
Mirage OS, this is somewhat of the game archive/handler.
Second: Drag the MIRAGEOS.8xk file into the TI Device Explorer (It may bring it to an Arcive screen. Select MIRAGE and press "Send to device" or something along that. Once again I just fiddled with it until it worked.
Third: Find a game. You can find tons of games at
TiCalc. Select the game you wish to download and download it onto your computer.
Fourth: Do that same thing that you did with MIRAGE with your game. (The game will usually be a .8xk file)
Once everything is done. Go over to your calculator and open up your APPS. Scroll down to MirageOS. Open the MAIN folder by clicking enter. Then select the game that you downloaded.
That's all I can really tell you how to do. It took me about an hour to get it right. I had a problem that when I downloaded Tetris, then Mario, Tetris disappeared. Anyways, Please don't come to me for help because I really wouldn't know how to help you. Plus there are a few guides out there to help you through it if you don't know how.
Good luck!