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Requesting compatibility for 3 battle system addons. (for VX if you didn't see the tag):
Sorry I'll have to double post due to word limit.
# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX
# Written by Synthesize
# January 20, 2008
# Version 1.00A
#					   * This script is untested. *
module SynBattleB
  # Place your battle backgrounds in the 'Pictures' folder (Graphics/Pictures)
  # Format = {map_id => Battleback Name}
  Battle_background = 
  9 => "008-Snowfield01",
  21 => "045-Cave03",
  23 => "008-Snowfield01",
  24 => "043-Cave01",
  25 => "043-Cave01",
  26 => "043-Cave01",
  28 => "008-Snowfield01",
  29 => "008-Snowfield01",
  32 => "039-Tower01",
  40 => "040-Tower02",
  45 => "040-Tower02"
  # Create the battlefloor?
  Create_battlefloor = false
  # This was being requested on quite a fe forums now, so I threw a quick script
  # together. It is nice and simple, and does what it is suppsoed to do. Once
  # RMVX is released in English, then I will add additional features into this.
# Spriteset_Battle
class Spriteset_Battle
  alias syn_create_battlefloor create_battlefloor
  # Create Battleback
  def create_battleback
	image = SynBattleB::Battle_background[$game_map.map_id]
	@battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
	@battleback_sprite.bitmap = Cache.picture(image)
  def create_battlefloor
	@battlefloor_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
	syn_create_battlefloor if SynBattleB::Create_battlefloor == true
#						* This script is untested *
# Version 1.00A
# January 20, 2008
# Written by Synthesize
# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX
# ** Actor Battler Graphics
#    by DerVVulfman
#    version 1.0
#    03-01-2008
#    RGSS2
#  This system permits you to include 'Actor Battler' graphics that were not
#  included in the RPGMaker VX system.   This script mimics many of the lost
#  features, and includes a new one:  Actor Battler Centering.
#  --Positioning--
#   A nice feature to this system  is the ability to adjust the left/right & 
#   up/down position of your battlers.
#   Actually, the vertical up/down position  can be adjusted by changing the
#   value of the SCREEN_Y variable.   The left/right positioning is a little
#   different.
#   The CENTER_X value is a true/false value  that sets whether the battlers
#   line up from the left and space themselves out  in the manner of the de-
#   fault RPGMaker XP  or whether the system calculates and centers them ac-
#   ross the screen.
#   The DEFAULT_X value establishes  how many actors  are typically shown in
#   the battlefield. While this is the default value, the maximum value used
#   can be changed with a script call.
#   Finally,  the TRANSPARENT value is another true/false value that you can
#   use to make the battlers lightly transparent until they're about to per-
#   form an attack.  Another feature from RPGMaker XP.
#  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
#  --The Actor List--
#  This system DOES require you to edit the configuration system to list all
#  of the 'actor' battlers  that you  are using.   It is assumed  that these
#  battlers will be in the  'Graphics\Battlers'  folder with the rest of the
#  enemy battlers.
#  Each value in the ACTOR array holds two values:   filename and hue.  This 
#  not only allows you to add battle graphics  for your heroes,  but adjusts
#  the character's hue as well.  If you do not include the hue setting, it
#  goes to the default setting of '0'.
#  There's only two script calls that you need to know.
#  --Changing Battlers--
#  Given that this system allows you to use 'Actor' battlers, you may find a
#  need to 'change' the battler in-game.  Unfortunately, this cannot be done
#  with a pre-rendered map event, so I had to make a script call:
#           $game_actors[ID].set_battler("filename", hue)
#  By using this call, you can change the graphic and hue of a battler while
#  the game is running.  
#  As an example:  $game_actors[1].set_battler("Ylva")
#  ...would set actor #1's battler to use "Ylva.png" as the graphic desired.
#  You may note that the 'hue' was not included  in this call.   The default 
#  value of '0' was used.
#  NOTE:  Just calling $game_actors[2].set_battler() would erase the battler
#         from actor #2, rendering it invisible on the battlefield.
#  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
#  --Changing Position Value--
#  This script allows you to have the battlers centered in the battlefield
#  and spaced out evenly.  Under most circumstances, you have four members
#  in your party.  But what if you want to increase the number of members
#  to 5 or 6?
#  Now, this system does not increase the number of members in your party,
#  but it is already set up to adjust the spacing of your members in the
#  battlefield.  With a simple script call:
#           $game_system.actorbattler_max = 7
#  You can make the system space the battlers on the field with the under-
#  standing that up to 7 members are in the party.
#  This system Aliases the following methods:
#  * initialize                     (RPG::Actor)
#  * initialize                     (Game_Temp)
#  * initialize                     (Game_System)
#  * initialize                     (Game_Actor)
#  * update                         (Sprite_Battler)
#  * start                          (Scene_Battle)
#  * start_party_command_selection  (Scene_Battle)
#  * process_victory                (Scene_Battle)
#  * execute_action                 (Scene_Battle)
#  This system redefines the following methods:
#  * use_sprite?                    (Game_Actor)
#  * create_actors                  (Spriteset_Battle)
#  * update_actors                  (Spriteset_Battle)
#  Free to use, even in commercial projects.  Just note that I need some form
#  of due credit... even a mere mention in some end titles.

# ** Actor_Battler Module
#  A module containing configurable data for the Actor Battler Graphic system.

module Actor_Battler
  # Actor battler array
  ACTOR = Array.new  # Do not touch -_^

   #  **  C  O  N  F  I  G  U  R  A  T  I  O  N      S  Y  S  T  E  M  **  #
  # --Positioning-- 
  # Actor Battler positioning system
    CENTER_X    = true    # If true, centers actors rather than default lineup.
    DEFAULT_X   = 4       # Default party Max
    SCREEN_Y    = 435     # Vertical height of battlers
    TRANSPARENT = true    # If true, makes lightly transparent until attacking.
  # --Actor List--
  # Add your actor battlers here
  # Actor#      Filename,   Hue (optional)
    ACTOR[1] = ["Mick"]
    ACTOR[2] = ["Slime"]
    ACTOR[3] = ["Slime"]
    ACTOR[4] = ["Slime",     0]
    ACTOR[5] = ["Slime", 0]
    ACTOR[6] = ["Slime",    0]
    ACTOR[7] = ["Lock",     0]
    ACTOR[8] = ["Slime",    0]

   #  **  E  N  D     O  F     C  O  N  F  I  G  U  R  A  T  I  O  N   **  #

# ** RPG Module
#  A module containing RPGVX Data Structures.
module RPG
  # ** Actor
  #  Data class for actors
  class Actor
    # * Alias Listings
    alias actorbattler_init initialize
    # * Object Initialization
    def initialize
      # Perform the original call
      @battler_name = ""
      @battler_hue = 0

# ** Game_Temp
#  This class handles temporary data that is not included with save data.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_temp.

class Game_Temp
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :battle_main_phase        # battle flag: main phase
  # * Alias Listings
  alias actorbattler_initialize initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Perform the original call
    # Set the main phase flag to false
    @battle_main_phase = false

# ** Game_System
#  This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :actorbattler_max         # Max. size for centered battlers
  # * Alias Listings
  alias actorbattler_initialize initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Perform the original call
    # Set 'Centered' battler max to 4 (default)
    @actorbattler_max = Actor_Battler::DEFAULT_X

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :screen_x                 # battle screen X coordinate
  attr_accessor :screen_y                 # battle screen Y coordinate
  # * Alias Listings
  alias actorbattler_init initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  def initialize(actor_id)
    # Perform the original call
    # Apply battler graphic
    @battler_name = Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][0]
    # Apply battler hue if exists, else default of '0'
    if Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][1] != nil
      @battler_hue  = Actor_Battler::ACTOR[actor_id][1]
      @battler_hue  = 0
  # * Change Battler
  #     battler_name  : new battler graphic filename
  #     battler_hue   : new battler hue setting (default = 0)
  def set_battler(battler_name = "", battler_hue = 0)
    @battler_name = battler_name
    @battler_hue = battler_hue
  # * Use Sprites?
  def use_sprite?
    return true
  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    if self.index != nil
      if Actor_Battler::CENTER_X
        # Return after calculating x-coords of centered party members
        return self.index * (544 / $game_system.actorbattler_max) + 
              ($game_system.actorbattler_max - $game_party.members.size) * 
              (272 / $game_system.actorbattler_max) + 
              (272 / $game_system.actorbattler_max)
        # Return after calculating x-coords of default-aligned party members
        return self.index * 136 + 68
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return Actor_Battler::SCREEN_Y
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    # Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return $game_party.members.size - self.index
      return 0

# ** Sprite_Battler
#  This sprite is used to display battlers. It observes a instance of the
# Game_Battler class and automatically changes sprite conditions.

class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
  # * Alias Listings
  alias actorbattler_update update
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Perform the original call
    # If the actor battlers are lightly transparent until they act
    if Actor_Battler::TRANSPARENT == true
      # If the battler is a visible actor battler
      if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and @battler_visible
        # Bring opacity level down a bit when not in main phase
        if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
          self.opacity += 3 if self.opacity < 255
          self.opacity -= 3 if self.opacity > 207

# ** Spriteset_Battle
#  This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the
# Scene_Battle class.

class Spriteset_Battle
  # * Create Actor Sprite
  #    Removes the 'empty' battler image used by the default system and 
  #    replaces it.  It also observes the actual size of the party and 
  #    not a predetermined 4-party limit.
  def create_actors
    @actor_sprites = []
    for actor in $game_party.members.reverse
      @actor_sprites.push(Sprite_Battler.new(@viewport2, actor))
  # * Update Actor Sprite
  def update_actors
    # Reset actor battler sprites if party size increases
    if $game_party.members.size > @actor_sprites.size
    for sprite in @actor_sprites

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
  # * Alias Listings
  alias actorbattler_s start
  alias actorbattler_spcs start_party_command_selection 
  alias actorbattler_pv process_victory
  alias actorbattler_ea execute_action
  # * Start processing
  def start
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
  # * Start party command selection
  def start_party_command_selection
    if $game_temp.in_battle
      $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
  # * Victory Processing
  def process_victory
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
  # * Start Execution of Battle Processing
  def execute_action
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
# ** Damage Pop VX
#    by DerVVulfman
#    version 3.1
#    05-20-2008
#    RGSS2
#  This script is a script that reintroduces the classic 'pop-up' display for
#  damage results. Unlike the original RPGMaker XP system, this also displays
#  a damage pop for MP (Mana Point) damage, absorbtion and recovery.
#  There are  five basic sections  in this script's  configuration section:
#  Fonts, Text, Color, Style and Default settings.
#  Fonts
#  =====
#  This section controls the lettering style of the damage pop-up.  You can
#  set the name of the font,  the size of the regular damage on the screen,
#  the size of the 'Critical Hit' message that appears, whether the text is
#  shown in boldface print or if it is italicized.  That's really it.
#  Text
#  =====
#  In this section, you set the text that appears for messages like 'Miss',
#  'Critical!' and the like.   It kinda helps to have it in a configuration
#  section than having it hardwired like some other scripts. It also allows
#  you to insert and change the prefix for any health or mana hits applied.
#  Color
#  =====
#  This section  allows you to define the color  of the damage pop-ups that
#  are shown with this script.   They are created through the classic r/g/b
#  style of the Color.new command.   You have six color sequences  you have
#  to work with:  Regular,  Recovery,  Absorb,  MP Damage,  MP Recovery and
#  MP Absorb.
#  Style
#  =====
#  This section controls the way the damage pop-up is displayed.  The names
#  of these editable values  are a little harder  to understand,  so I will
#  present you a list of each one and their purpose:
#  DAMAGE_DBLBOUNCE:  This is a true/false switch.   If you have it  set to
#                     true, the damage popup can permit the popup to bounce
#                     twice rather than once like RMXP's default system. It
#                     is dependant on the value  held in 'DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y'
#                     for how high the pop-up bounces.
#  DAMAGE_POP_DELAY:  This gauges how long (in frames)  that the damage pop
#                     up is shown on the screen.   A moderate value of '60'
#                     would keep  the popup  on the screen  for one second. 
#                     You must have a value of 10 or higher.   Values below
#                     10 will result in an error.
#  DAMAGE_POP_DIR_X:  This determines  the direction  and speed  the damage
#                     pop will move on the screen.  Any positive value here
#                     will move  the popup  to the right  and any  negative 
#                     value here will move the popup to the left.  The lar-
#                     ger the value, the more the value will shift.  And a
#                     value of  '0'  will just keep the pop-up from moving.
#                     However...  If the value is set to 'nil',  the damage
#                     pop will randomly move to the left or right.
#  DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y:  Like DAMAGE_POP_DIR_X, this determines the direction
#                     and speed the pop will move on the screen...  but in
#                     vertical direction.    Positive values make the pop-
#                     up raise  and then drop in a bouncing manner,  while 
#                     negative values lower  and then raise the popup in a
#                     sweeping wave pattern.   The larger  the value,  the 
#                     more  the value  will shift.   And if  you have  the 
#                     DAMAGE_DBLBOUNCE value set to true,  then the damage
#                     pop will bounce 'twice' based on this set value.
#  Default
#  =======
#  This final section controls the placement of the damage pop-ups for your
#  actors if you do not use any system to add 'actor battler' graphics.  In
#  cases where you have actor battlers,  these values are overwritten.  But
#  if this system is being used alone, this positions where the damage pops
#  will show on the screen.  The following describes the last three values:
#  DAMAGE_POP_CENTER:  This value is a  true/false value  that sets whether
#                      the battlers line up  from the left  and space them-
#                      selves out  in the manner of the default RPGMaker XP
#                      or whether  the system  calculates  and centers them 
#                      across the screen.
#  DAMAGE_POP_PARTY:   This value establishes how many actors are typically
#                      shown in the battlefield.  While this is the default
#                      value,  the maximum value used can be changed with a
#                      script call.
#  DAMAGE_POP_Y_POS:   Finally, the vertical up/down position of the popups
#                      can be adjusted by changing the value of this value.
#  There's only one script call that you need to know:
#  cases where you have actor battlers,  these values are overwritten.  But
#  This script lets you have the damage popups spaced out evenly across the
#  screen.   Under most circumstances, you have four members in your party,
#  but this allows you to permit it to space the popups evenly  if you have
#  5, 6 or even 10 battlers in your battleparty.
#  Now, this system does not increase the number of members in your party,
#  but it is already set up to adjust the spacing of your members in the
#  battlefield.  With a simple script call:
#           $game_system.dpop_party_max = 7
#  You can make the system space the battlers on the field with the under-
#  standing that up to 7 members are in the party.
#  As a core/re-insertion script, it returns the ability to use damage pops 
#  that many users became used to with other RPG gaming systems. Also, this
#  core script approximates the position of 'actor' battlers if there isn't
#  another script in use to create visible 'actor' battlers.
#  If this script is being used with any other script that positions and/or
#  creates 'actor' battlers,  then those scripts will most likely be placed
#  BELOW 'Damage Pop VX' as they will most likely create their own screen_x
#  and screen_y methods for Game_Actor.
#  This system Aliases the following methods:
#  * initialize                     (Game_System)
#  * clear_sprite_effects           (Game_Battler)
#  * initialize                     (Sprite_Base)
#  * update                         (Sprite_Base)
#  * setup_new_effect               (Sprite_Battler)
#  * display_hp_damage              (Scene_Battle)
#  * display_mp_damage              (Scene_Battle)
#  * display_evasion                (Scene_Battle)
#  * display_miss                   (Scene_Battle)
#  This system redefines the following methods:
#  * use_sprite?                    (Game_Actor)
#  This system adds the following methods:
#  * use_sprite?                    (Game_Actor)
#  * screen_x                       (Game_Actor)
#  * screen_y                       (Game_Actor)
#  * screen_z                       (Game_Actor)
#  * damage                         (Sprite_Base)
#  * dispose_damage                 (Sprite_Base)
#  To my old pal, Syvkal,  for reminding me that RPGMaker XP's basic DAMAGE
#  system was built into it's Sprite class. It made it easier to implement.
#  Free to use, even in commercial projects.  Just note that I'll need some
#  form of due credit for myself and anyone else  involved in this script's 
#  creation... even a mere mention in some end titles.

   #  **  C  O  N  F  I  G  U  R  A  T  I  O  N      S  Y  S  T  E  M  **  #
  # ---Font Settings---
  DAMAGE_POP_FONT   = "Times New Roman"   # Name of font used
  DAMAGE_POP_SIZE   = 32                  # Size of font used
  DAMAGE_POP_SIZE2  = 36                  # Size of critical font
  DAMAGE_POP_BOLD   = false               # If bold text used
  DAMAGE_POP_ITALIC = true                # If italicized text used
  # ---Text Settings---
  DAMAGE_POP_CRIT   = "Critical!"         # Text shown for critical hits
  DAMAGE_POP_MISS   = "Miss"              # Text shown for misses
  DAMAGE_POP_FAILED = "Failed"            # Text shown for failed attacks
  DAMAGE_POP_EVADED = "Evaded"            # Text shown for evaded attacks
  DAMAGE_HP_STRING  = nil                 # Text suffix for HP Damage
  DAMAGE_MP_STRING  = "MP"                # Text suffix for MP Damage
  # ---Color Settings---
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR1 = Color.new(255, 255, 255) # HP Damage      (White)
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR2 = Color.new(127, 255, 127) # HP Recovery    (Med Green)
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR3 = Color.new(196,   0,   0) # HP Absorb      (Dk Red)
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR4 = Color.new(  0, 196, 255) # MP Damage      (Lt Blue)
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR5 = Color.new(255, 255,  96) # MP Recovery    (Yellow)
  DAMAGE_POP_COLOR6 = Color.new(255, 156,  55) # MP Absorb      (Orange)
  # ---Style Settings---
  DAMAGE_DBLBOUNCE  = false  # If doublebounce feature is on
  DAMAGE_POP_DELAY  = 50    # Duration of Pop (mist be 10 or higher)
  DAMAGE_POP_DIR_X  = nil   # Horizontal direction for pop (or nil for random)
  DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y  = 1     # Vertical direction & incrementation for pop

  # --Default Position-- 
  DAMAGE_POP_CENTER = true    # If true, assumes battler pops are centered
  DAMAGE_POP_PARTY  = 4       # Default party Max
  DAMAGE_POP_Y_POS  = 280     # Vertical position of party's damage pop    
# ** Game_System
#  This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :dpop_party_max         # Max. size for centered battlers
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dpop_initialize initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Perform the original call
    # Set 'Centered' battler max to 4 (default)
    @dpop_party_max = DAMAGE_POP_PARTY

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass of the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dpop_clear_sprite_effects clear_sprite_effects
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :damage                  # damage popup value
  attr_accessor :damage_type             # damage popup type
  # * Clear Variable Used for Sprite Communication
  def clear_sprite_effects
    # Perform the original call
    # Clear damage pop
    @damage = 0

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :screen_x                 # battle screen X coordinate
  attr_accessor :screen_y                 # battle screen Y coordinate
  # * Use Sprites?
  def use_sprite?
    return true
  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    if self.index != nil
        # Return after calculating x-coords of centered party members
        return self.index * (544 / $game_system.dpop_party_max) + 
              ($game_system.dpop_party_max - $game_party.members.size) * 
              (272 / $game_system.dpop_party_max) +
              (272 / $game_system.dpop_party_max) 
        # Return after calculating x-coords of default-aligned party members
        return self.index * 136 + 68
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return DAMAGE_POP_Y_POS
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    # Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return $game_party.members.size - self.index
      return 0

# ** Sprite_Base
#  A sprite class with animation display processing added.

class Sprite_Base < Sprite
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dpop_initialize initialize
  alias dpop_update update
  # * Object Initialization
  #     viewport : viewport
  def initialize(viewport = nil)
    dpop_initialize(viewport)   # Perform the original call
    @_damage_duration = 0       # Remaining damage pop time
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Perform the original call
    # Obtain delay percentages
      p2 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 8) / 10
      p3 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 7) / 10
      p4 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 6) / 10
      p5 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 5) / 10
      p6 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 4) / 10
      p7 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 3) / 10
      p8 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 2) / 10
      p9 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 1) / 10    
      p2 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 8) / 10
      p3 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 7) / 10
      p4 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 6) / 10
      p5 = (DAMAGE_POP_DELAY * 5) / 10
    if @_damage_duration > 0
      @_damage_duration -= 1
      @_damage_sprite.x += @_damage_x
        case @_damage_duration
        when p2..p1
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 2
        when p3..p2
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y
        when p4..p3
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y
        when p5..p4
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 4
        when p6..p5
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y 
        when p7..p6
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y
        when p8..p7
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 2
        when p9..p8
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 4        
        case @_damage_duration
        when p2..p1
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 2
        when p3..p2
          @_damage_sprite.y -= DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y
        when p4..p3
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y
        when p5..p4
          @_damage_sprite.y += DAMAGE_POP_DIR_Y * 2
      @_damage_sprite.opacity = 256 - (12 - @_damage_duration) * 32
      if @_damage_duration == 0
  # * Damage
  #     value : damage value
  def damage(value, critical, type)
    if value.is_a?(Numeric)
      damage_string = value.abs.to_s
      damage_string = value.to_s
    bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 48)
    bitmap.font.name   = DAMAGE_POP_FONT
    bitmap.font.size   = DAMAGE_POP_SIZE
    bitmap.font.bold   = DAMAGE_POP_BOLD
    bitmap.font.italic = DAMAGE_POP_ITALIC
    bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)
    # Apply Regular Damage Text
    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
    # Apply Critical Text
    if critical
      bitmap.font.size = DAMAGE_POP_SIZE2
      bitmap.draw_text(-1, -1, 160, 20, DAMAGE_POP_CRIT, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(+1, -1, 160, 20, DAMAGE_POP_CRIT, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(-1, +1, 160, 20, DAMAGE_POP_CRIT, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(+1, +1, 160, 20, DAMAGE_POP_CRIT, 1)
     # Set Color Scheme  
    case type
      when 1; bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR4
      when 2; bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR2
      when 3; bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR3
      when 4; bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR5
      when 5; bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR6
      else;   bitmap.font.color = DAMAGE_POP_COLOR1
    # Reset basic size  
    bitmap.font.size   = DAMAGE_POP_SIZE  
    bitmap.draw_text(0, 12, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
    # Draw Critical Text
    if critical
      bitmap.font.size = DAMAGE_POP_SIZE2
      bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 160, 20, DAMAGE_POP_CRIT, 1)
    @_damage_sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport)
    @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
    @_damage_sprite.ox = 80
    @_damage_sprite.oy = 20
    @_damage_sprite.x = self.x
    @_damage_sprite.y = (self.y - self.oy / 2)
    @_damage_sprite.z = 3000
    @_damage_duration = DAMAGE_POP_DELAY
    if DAMAGE_POP_DIR_X == nil
      @_damage_x = rand(3) - 1
      @_damage_x = DAMAGE_POP_DIR_X
  # * Dispose of Damage
  def dispose_damage
    if @_damage_sprite != nil
      @_damage_sprite = nil
      @_damage_duration = 0

# ** Sprite_Battler
#  This sprite is used to display battlers. It observes a instance of the
# Game_Battler class and automatically changes sprite conditions.

class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
  # * Constants
  DAMAGE = 7
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dpop_setup_new_effect setup_new_effect
  # * Set New Effect
  def setup_new_effect
    # Adding damage pop effect
    if @battler.damage != 0
      damage(@battler.damage, @battler.critical, @battler.damage_type)
      @effect_type = DAMAGE
      @battler.damage = 0
    # Perform the original call

# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base  
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dpop_display_hp_damage display_hp_damage
  alias dpop_display_mp_damage display_mp_damage  
  alias dpop_display_evasion display_evasion
  alias dpop_display_miss display_miss
  # * Show HP Damage
  #     target : Target
  #     obj    : Skill or item
  def display_hp_damage(target, obj = nil)
    # Original call
    dpop_display_hp_damage(target, obj)
    critical = false
    critical = true if target.critical
    if target.hp_damage == 0                # No damage
      text = "skip"
    elsif target.absorbed                   # HP Absorb
      text = (target.hp_damage).to_s
      type = 3
    elsif target.hp_damage > 0              # Normal Damage
      text = (target.hp_damage).to_s
      type = 0
    else                                    # HP Recovery
      text = (-target.hp_damage).to_s
      type = 2
    # Apply if no change
    if text != "skip"
      # Apply MP string if applicable
      if DAMAGE_HP_STRING != nil
        text = text + " " + DAMAGE_HP_STRING
      target.damage = text
      target.damage_type = type
  # * Show MP Damage
  #     target : Target
  #     obj    : Skill or item
  def display_mp_damage(target, obj = nil)
    # Original call
    dpop_display_mp_damage(target, obj)
    critical = false
    critical = true if target.critical
    # Sort Data
    if target.absorbed                      # MP Absorb
      text = (target.mp_damage).to_s
      type = 5
    elsif target.mp_damage > 0              # MP Damage
      text = (target.mp_damage).to_s
      type = 1
    elsif target.mp_damage < 0              # MP Recovery
      text =  (-target.mp_damage).to_s
      type = 4
      text = "skip"
    # Apply if no change
    if text != "skip"
      # Apply MP string if applicable
      if DAMAGE_MP_STRING != nil
        text = text + " " + DAMAGE_MP_STRING
      target.damage = text
      target.damage_type = type
  # * Show Escape
  #     target : Target
  #     obj    : Skill or item
  def display_evasion(target, obj = nil)
    # Original call
    dpop_display_evasion(target, obj)    
    critical = false
    target.damage = DAMAGE_POP_EVADED
    target.damage_type = 0
  # * Show Miss
  #     target : Target
  #     obj    : Skill or item
  def display_miss(target, obj = nil)
    # Original call
    dpop_display_miss(target, obj)    
    critical = false
    if obj == nil or obj.physical_attack
      text = DAMAGE_POP_MISS
      text = DAMAGE_POP_FAILED
    target.damage = text
    target.damage_type = 0

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