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Combine some scripts...

Hello, I got a little request to make, I like to combine some scripts. Im making a FF fan game right now and I know what you are all thinking its shit, right.
But actually its not shit.

Well now for my request. I like to combine Final Fantasy VII menu setup by AcedentProne and the materia script by Sephiroth Spawn with the sideview battlesystem by Cybersam. The FFVII menu system is already combined with the materia script, now I only need a battlesystem for it.

In cybersams battlesystem I like it to look like the Final Fantasy VII battlesystem. But skip the commands and stuff. Just make it look like:
And then make it look like the FFVII battlesystem. It cant be so hard to change the HUD right?
Heres some screens if you dont know how they look like:
Is it possible to do this? Just edit Cybersams sideview battlesystem and make it look like a FFVII battlesystem? And replace skill with Materia and yeah, Ive done script requests before at this place, and they just told me to look after it cause italready exists. Well help me out here, and only post if you can make it.

Do you understand, what I mean?
It is impossible to make 3D with rmxp. However, you can use a battle system like Golden Sun. I think it would be great to make something look like 3D. You'll need a lot of sprites though.

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