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Cogwheel's RTAB add on "Cut-In" criticals

The fast paced CogWheel RTAB is my favourite script I've seen so far, such that I want to use it in my own project. Again, being new to the RGSS environment, I am unable to do even basic edits to the codes. The idea behind this is to add a bit to my anime style game.

What I would want, is for a "Cut-In" emotion to occur during certain events. There are a few variables that would be preferred, however, not neccesary.

  • Cut-In Emotion for Critical Hits
  • Cut-In Emotion for Skills (delimited by when "Skill Name" show "this file")
  • % chance to see the cut in emtions for said skill and for critical hits

Additionally, the ability to have a short animation of these would be ideal, just a 2 picture loop. When the cut in appears, I would also like to have a sound effect play. Thirdly, if there was a variable to define how many frames the animation shows would be fantastic. Finally, the pictures would need to be defined per character, so something like 001_1.png for the first character first frame, or 002_1.png for the second character's first frame.

If it could look something like this as an example:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v411/ ... ample2.png[/IMG]

Again, this would need to be compatable with said RTAB:


Let me know if thats not enough detail for the description, however, I think this would add in a fun element to the battle system. *shrug*
Mwahahaha!!!!! What did you do to that poor ghost!!!!

Gotta say, I like it. Won't say anything about even starting on it. Too tied up, and you could probably do some stuff in the TROOPS database with pictures... related to the skill id?

Like the artwork... heh... nice.
Well I thought about going into the skills and linking them to a common event which draws a random number, then based on that, would display the picture/sound effect that I wanted.

But, that wouldn't help me out in the Actor<- goes to this ->Picture problem, and doesn't cover critical hits. Hopefully, someone will be bored enough, or interested enough to code something up, I guess it couldn't hurt for me to muck around with something to see if I can get it to work in the meanwhile. Those RTP edits are from Pickle/Ice Axe as well, I figure in a example shot I need to include Arshes' vibrant red head.
Ok I started scripting this based on a script I found by DerVVulfman which draws a random number for certain actions and plays a sound effect based on battler.id. So I figured that would be the best starting point to add this in.

So, I added in a variable

 $actor_battle_pic = {1 => "Action_1"}

Then updated the code to check the array and load the picture defined here as 'battlerpic'. Finally, I got it to show the picture, based on a random X and Y within the screen constraints.

All of that works! The cut-in appears, and the sound effect plays. It's not animated, but hey, I'll worry about that later if it's a big deal.

The only problem I'm having now is letting the image display for X amount of time then disposing of it. So I guess I'll mess with it a bit more and upload whatever I finish.
To get it animated, move in from the left of the screen for instance, just increase the x variable by a small amount on every frame/update (the higher the amount the faster it moves) and set a condition to stop it moving when it gets to a certain x value.
Of course, but I think it would look nice sliding in from the side as well ;)

Nice to see someone actually willing to have a go at their own script request - I was considering having a go myself :)

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