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CMS request

I'm looking at for a cms basically the same as the DMS, but with one small difference: it shows all the stats of you're lead character where it would show the HP/SP etc of four party members. The mock up below will give you a better idea.
http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n133 ... mockup.png[/IMG]
When you select the status command, it'll need to go to a seperate window with the other characters in it(about 8 or 9). If possible, the status command should also act as a party select option, with the leader being unchangeable.
PS: BTW, there will only be three possible leaders if that helps
Little past 72 hours, so hope this doesn't count as necroposting. Just incase i wasn't clear enough, the M in CMS stands for menu rather than message. The picture should have made this clear, but i guess it could have been a more obscure type of message system.
After i finish flamefox's CMS i could do this one, other than the party change window, personally, i think you should put that in a seperate option, on .net there was a very nice party change script where you could make members unchangeable, sadly i don't know if its still around.
Ok, i have finished FlamerFox's but im tired, so no doubt theres some errors because i didnt test it much, so ill do this menusystem for you within the next few days.

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