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Clest's Art shop - Now Full time artist and spriter

Now working full time on art and sprites!
I am an artist in many areas and most of then can be useful for your RPGMaker project, or even to promote your project properly!

So what exactly can I do for you? Concept artwork, Promotional art(posters), Panorama/background illustrations, spriting(anything in any style or size really).

Well lots of stuff, so here is how I work and my prices:

Concept Art: Rough concept art with up to four views (different sides or outfits/accessories). Pencils only, black and white or flat coloring or colored contour.
>Per character: $6.00 USD
>Per view only: $2.00 USD

Finished Artwork/Promotional art: Finished drawings, CG colored with more detail and shading.
>Per character: $12.50 USD
-Group pictures are charged per character, so if you want a pic with 2 heroes facing one villian, that makes 3 characters -> $37.50 USD
-Adding a backlground will add  $5.00 to a picture.

Panoramas/Backgrounds: Images to use as panoramas, colored in CG with shading and details.
>Small (around 640x320): $5.00 USD
>Medium (Around 1024x768): $10.00 USD
>Large (anything bigger than medium): $15.00 USD

Spriting/Pixel art:
Custom character templates: Creating custom character templates for you based on your desired proportions. Default template includes walking in four side views.
>Small (RPGMaker 2k/3, around 32x16): $10.00 USD
>Medium (RMXP RTP size): $15.00 USD
>Large (Larger than XP RTP): $30.00 USD
Single poses/Extra poses:
>Small: $1.50 USD
>Medium: $2.50 USD
>Large: $5.00 USD

Charactersets and animated battlers: Charactersets made using templates. If it is not made with RTP, neither my own templates, send me the template or a link to the one you want the characters based from.
>Small: $4.50 USD
>Medium: $6.50 USD
>Large: $12.00 USD
Single poses/Extra poses:
>Small: $1.00 USD
>Medium: $2.00 USD
>Large: $3.50 USD

Tiles: Tiles of any theme, both exteriors or interiors. I charge per tile space divided for 32x32 tiles, so if you want a table measuring 45x45 it will count as 4 tiles. Please specify the charset style you are using so I can match.
Per 32x32 tile: $2.00 USD

Facesets: Facesets:
Per character: $5.00 USD

I charge via paypal, contact me via PM here or by my e-mail: clestelnith@gmail.com.
Thankies for the attention =^.^=

My templates:

Samples of my art:

New stuff:
Mech sprites for Epsilon Alpha:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... ample2.gif[/img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... sample.gif[/img]

The Lost Element templates:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... /front.gif[/img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... E/side.gif[/img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... efront.gif[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... Angela.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... DiasCE.png[/img]

Old stuff:


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... Chunli.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... _magic.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... G/Isne.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... Rillia.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... egenda.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... _clest.jpg[/img]


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... finalb.png[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... inal2b.png[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... animBF.gif[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... ntada2.bmp[/img]

Tile samples:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... creen1.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... creen2.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... creen1.jpg[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/C ... enduel.png[/img]
Well, I can do then, but they are harder than backgrounds since everything must be proportional to your sprites, for that fact I would both need details on your sprites and I could charge a bit extra considering difficulty. But we can negotiate, if you really have an interest, e-mail me with more info please.



Just to clairify... A tileset tile is $1.00? Not $1,00?
That second one looks a lot like $1,000... When I saw it, I thought it was for $100... ^_^

Anyway, your art is really good, I like it a lot ^_^
Hiya, I know I have not got around to emailing you. I am having two problems at the moment.

1) Dev is moving so fast I am waiting for the best place to fit you in.

2) MONEY ! - I should be able to sort this out soon.

Please feel free to come to our forums and look around. If theres any tasks you like there tell people and we can get you sorted our faster.

Im sorry about this, I know it does not sound very professional. This is only happening because we took on 4 new members the night before I contacted you.

Your Sprites on our templates are wonderful (still 3 more templates to come)

Don't worry, I hope we can work out together but I can wait until you sort things out :)

And I will be sure to check your forums this weekend. As for the sprites, working then gave me a feel of the size you need for the pictures and gave me neat ideas on how to execute then better and faster when you actually make a request ;)



... not to be a poke in the side... but the numbers in the pricings are a little messed up still...

It says $37,00 dollars for a threesome image (something like that) and all of the prices have commas (,) in them rather than periods (.)

Just to point that out... It really makes the prices seem much, much higher when a comma is in there, because a comma represents a thousand ($1,000 ; $12,000)

So my first thought when I saw them was that no one could ever afford it... then I saw the rest ^_^

Here in Brasil we go like: 1.000,00 (one thousand, being the comma separated for cents) :) I always thought it to be a world convention o.o
I know somebody already mentioned this, but your first post still says that you charge $3750 for a group picture, not $37.50 ^^;
hmm actually it is 37, 50, over here (and in a lot of other countries) "." goes for the thousands and "," goes for the cents in money :)
But thanks for the care :)

Thank you for viewing

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