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Classic Literature

Like classic literature? Want to talk about a classical book? Anything and everything regarding classical reading goes here!

People underestimate classic novels nowadays. It is harder to read classic books now though, considering how much language has evolved since then. But recently I've been really interested in older books and poems. Sure, some aren't the most enthralling things in the world, but I'd rather read Romeo and Juliet over Twilight any day.

So, some dicussion starters, since this isn't exactly the most active forum here: What is some of your favourite classical literature, and why? Do you even like classic novels? If you do, why do you like it?

Some of my favs are War of the Worlds, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Edgar Allan Poe's stuff. WotW is filled with lots of actions with a great ending, CoMC has a great storyline even if it is a bit tedious at times, and I love the macabre and dark type of stuff Poe created.

Classic is definitely not my favourite genre of book but they are a nice read sometimes. It's cool to take a trip to the past and get a look at the visions and insights of the authors back then. I also find it's great for improving vocabulary. (plus it's great for bonus points in English class!!!)

I can read classical poetry and enjoy it; IMO good poetry develops like wine. Over time it gets better if it's got the right stuff to begin with.

Classical novels though? I've tried a few, and just couldn't get used to the writing style of the time period. One day when I'm forced to read a classical novel all the way through, I'll may or may not find that after a hundred pages or so I grow accustomed to the style; but that day hasn't come yet.

Good, good thread



I enjoy H.G. Wells' work.  That's considered classic, now, right?  The Time Machine is just a great, great novel.
PixeL":y6bebx2g said:
I enjoy H.G. Wells' work.  That's considered classic, now, right?  The Time Machine is just a great, great novel.
I read an abridged version of the Time Machine when I was a kid (I used to have a bunch of the Illustrated Classics books, my fasv were Dracula and Journey to the Center of the Earth!) and all I remember is some guy going forward in time with a bunch of these little people, then even more to these weird crabs...I still remember it weirding me out though!

Does anyone else remember those Great Illustrated Classics books? They had War of the Worlds, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Three Musketeers...I could go through three of 'em a day.
Man if you want some nice classic poetry I suggest you read a bit of Robert Browning. Porphyria's Lover is a pretty much the "A Clockwork Orange" of the Romantic Period of Literature. It's mindblowing how he addressed society at the time, too bad they weren't ready for it and is why we appreciate it now.
I read Porphyria's Lover, and I have to say it's a fantastic monologue. Kind of bizarre at first, but when you realize what's going on, you begin to see its different aspects, and it's really deep. (After reading it three times I realized that it had a rhyming scheme)

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came was an interesting read as well. I'm surprised I've never heard of Robert Browning before, his writing is great.

All this talk about classic poetry reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe's stuff. I really got into his stuff a lot a couple years ago, and I just got this book that has some of his poems and stories. The Raven is still my favourite, though I love the tone and mood of all his work. (I have this weird passion for the macabre)
Edgar Allen Poe has gotten gradually better for me as I get older and can comprehend more of his works, it's really spectacular stuff.

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