There can't be a civil war nowadays.
First off we live comfortable lives as a majority. Even our struggling poor - like myself, have mostly comfortable lives compared to what our level would be elsewhere. We have information everywhere, and have become apathetic on it, it's not as easy to tell someone "this is what we're doing, and it's going to completely change your lives in a hugely dramatic way that could ruin many of you" in today's age.
Which essentially is what made a lot of people fight the first civil war.
Free labor vs. paid labor. It's what got many to go around demanding a succession, and then sprouting propaganda to get the less learned (such as average every day folk in the day) to take up arms. Pure racism excluded, the majority of people in power who supported separation and then war baring defense were those who would lose the most.
What massive life changes are we making today?
You can't smoke in California bars or in New York bars? The price of gas? The price of dairy? Removing transfats or whatever from fast food chains? Going to war? Ahh, there ya go - going to war.
Here's the thing. No one screaming bloody murder about a war with a heart on their sleeve is going to start a war. A mob mentality might erupt - that's easy, but starting a war is very difficult. A panic could spread and a peaceful protest can shift, a riot can break - but the closest you'll get to a civil war is the LA Riots and the Harlem black out when people looted and went after police.
Our intelligence isn't wholly fed to us anymore. The simple fact that anyone can go on the internet and look up any skewed theme they want gives way too much freedom to allow the former centuries control, where things could be hidden away and blackfolded so no one would hear. We have kids who are 13 years old going around and blogging about local industrial waste practices, and they nearly as equally informed as those signing off on it. Citing laws, requirements, loopholes, etc.
Every war we've had in the "modern times" from Vietnam, Korea, the Gulf War etc, we had at least a touch of sympathetic and unaligned information left of center to the government. We had people say "NO!" out loud, and nothing happened. The babyboomers, hippies, beatniks, discotech veterans of the dance floor, whoever you wanna blame one of them grew up and changed things, I'm not sure when it happened it seemed to go so smoothly it doesn't really matter to find a focal point. Free speech practically became just that, somewhere along the line, and it still stands for the majority of us.
Our world is so much smaller. We don't have to go trooping across hills as far and as well as we once had to, a lot has changed. Small towns have disappeared from some places entirely, and in other places where you would know everyone you really still only know half. A neighborhood could have different ranks of social and economical ranges, as opposed to the rich guy and his friends plus everyone else who'll feed of them.
Best of all, and here's the killer for a civil war... we're not oppressed enough. We aren't being hurt. Our liberties and freedoms may be swindled away bit by bit, it may be wholly ignored in circumstance - but we, the everyday people who won't be making newlines or protesting the possibilities of what could happen, well, it's not affecting us one bit. I've never been affected at all by any lose of freedom, or any radical idea.
I'm not going to say if these ideologies, either side of the whole losing freedom deal, is true or not or give my opinion - but even if it's as bad as either side says it is, it hasn't affected me one bit. And I'm certainly not going to risk getting shot over it.