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Chrono trigger script

I was wondering if someone could make me a script so that when my character is in the epoch(my airship) you hit a certain button and it will call a menu, where it has the time periods, and you hit left or right to cycle through them like in crono triggerm and then when you hit like enter or something it teleports you there.

Im not good at scripting but it seems fairly easy to make, althoug i could be dead wrong.
Thanks alot in advance.
bump, o come on this script is failry simple, even if someone could make it with events it would be just as good.
Thanks alot.
I would make it myself but i lack the knowledge, and everytime i try it wont work
You could check Scene_Menu and try to understand what's going on in there, then apply that knowledge to your own script. If you get stuck, double-check if there isn't something similar in Scene_Menu.
The only thing that's not inside Scene_Menu what you need is the button pressing thing. You can find that in Scene_Map (where your own input should be, too).

@LeD: Stop pointing on Seph, he's busy :P

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