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Choosing my major...help

Um okay. I'm applying to the University of Delaware, and I am almost positive I want to do something with computers. There are 3 different majors I think I'd want to do, but I can't figure out the differences between them O_o...I guess if I can't figure this out I'm not smart enough to go to college :P lol.

Here are the descriptions of them...see if you can figure out the differenes:

-I don't know much about degrees and what not, so I am confused by this. There is a Bachelor of Science, and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer science...and I don't know what the difference of those is.
-Bachelor of ARTS
-Bachelor of SCIENCE

-And here's another one:
Computer Science - Information Systems

I know it's weird to ask your fellow RPG nerds on an RPG Maker forum for college advice, but I trust you all :P. If someone could kinda help me figure out which one I want to do that would be great. I don't think this is really what I plan on doing after college, but for example: which one of those 3 would help me to get a job at Square-Enix lol.
No, I'm obviously going to choose it by myself, I'm not an idiot lol. I just want someone to explain the differences between those 3 so I can pick which one I want.
Don't choose now at all. Wait until you know a few things about the programs beyond "lol, me mayk games" or "lol, me mayk programs."

While my experiance may not apply to everybody, I made the mistake of jumping feet first in into a major in software development, only to realize far too late that I dispise programming and pretty much every other part of making software besides design. I THOUGHT I would love programming.

Of course, if you are already familiar with what you want to do, that makes things easier, but seriously, try what you want to major in BEFORE you major in it.

Really, I'd suggest you not go to a university unless you know exactly what you are going for, otherwise you are wasting an enormous amount of money on something that could be just as easily done in a community college.

Don't be an idiot like me and dawdle into a university saying, "Hurr, I think I know what I'm doing" when you really have no frikkin clue.

If you don't know the difference between a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science, you are clearly a college newbie. Go talk to an academic advisor. Talk to him long and hard. Tell him your dreams, your aspirations, you fears, and ask more questions than is allowed by state law. In the end of the day, we can't help you, but a good advisor may be able to.

Unless you're rich.

In which case, do whatever you want.
Yeah, they would be able to better help you. Besides your University has different teachers, who teach things differently. Even though many universities and colleges offer majors in Science and Arts, doesn't mean it's going to run the same way, so we'd be able to offer you advice on how it runs and if you should take it or not. Really, I would just choose something I knew about, was easy, and enjoyed.
Well see I'm doing a program where you take like 2 years at a community college with teachers and courses from U.D., then I would move up to the U.D. campus for the last 2 years. The community college is a LOT closer than the U.D. campus so that's where I got all my forms and everything. All they do there is hand you papers lol...I think I'm going up with my bro soon, and maybe I can find a counselor there or something.



Grandor, that's no way of getting through life thinking everythings easy, or try have it easy.

pie, don't be a complete dope and choose what you love. In the end you don't want a hobby to be work, it's seriously a bad idea. Stick with something you like besides your favourite Hobby. Hobby meaning what you're good at.

I've been doing University for one and a half years and am completely loving what I'm doing.
I didn't go so far as to read all the descriptions of the majors, but in my experience in the working & college world, I can say:

Getting a bachelors in computer science will line you up for techie jobs. This includes network systems administration, IT tech support, computer repair. It also may line you up for potential coding/programming positions for program developers or big-name websites, but those would be very hard jobs to find.

A BA in computer arts would land you less on the physical spectrum of computers and put you more into the hands of the web/program developers, client-end network administration, and perhaps a few creative outlets for smallish companies, such as being a webmaster.

For Comp Science - Information Systems, you'll be looking at Network Systems Administration for sure. Companies everywhere are looking for people like that and they can make some decent bank there.

It all depends on what you're most interested in, really. But note that a savvy individual can get a degree in any of those and do nearly any techie job, really, because of the enormous demand. But note that the lifespan of these careers are drastically short if you don't continue training on new software/technical systems. "Fresh meat" (people fresh out of college) in these fields are always the most desirable, since they have the newest tech know-how, and since the industry is always changing, you'll always have to change with it to keep up.

Hope that helps :#

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