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Chat General Thread (#hbr on irc.synirc.net)

The official chat channel for this site is #hbr on irc.synirc.net.

Quick Connect

The quickest way to get into the chat room is just to click Chat in the top menu.

That'll bring you right into the action. For more information:

What is IRC Chat, and how do I use it?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a chat protocol that lets you connect to big chat rooms. You can connect through certain websites, such as Mibbit, but I recommend using a client. Clients have many more features, such as logging, and are generally nicer to look at.

Here are a few common IRC clients:

  • XChat 2
  • IceChat
  • mIRC (shareware, although you can still use it when the trial has run out)
  • ChatZilla (opens a window in Firefox and provides features Mibbit doesn't, such as logging)
  • Finally, click on the IRC Chat link at the top of the page to use Mibbit to connect right in your browser.

Once you've got your client of choice, connect to the irc.synirc.com server and join #hbgames to start chatting!

What are the channel rules?
  • No spamming. You can break your sentences up over multiple lines if you want, but don't spam large amounts of contentless gibberish, repeat the same line ten times, etc. And if you want to paste something long, use Pastebin.
  • No racism. Don't throw the N-word around just to say it.
  • Mark NSFW links. You're allowed to post mature content if you want, but it needs to be clearly labeled as such. Please don't post shock images and things, though.
  • Don't be a dick. Don't flame or troll people or otherwise instigate (or continue) conflict with other members. We want to create a friendly environment. If you're having a problem with someone and can't work it out in private, ask one of us to mediate.
  • Don't talk shit about other people who aren't in the room. Or people who are, for that matter. If you have a problem with someone, talk it out with them politely or talk to myself or another op.

How do I use IRC commands?
You can type a command beginning with a slash to do various things, such as perform actions, leave and join channels, and manage your nickname. Here's a list of the most common commands:

/me action - Displays *Yournick does something. Generally used to show actions.
Example: /me spins around

/join #channelname - joins a channel, creates one if it doesn't exist.
Example: /join #hbr

/server host - Joins a server.
Example: /server irc.synirc.com

/nick new_nickname - Change your nickname. Commonly used to indicate when you're away.

/msg nickserv register password email - Registers your nickname so other people can't use it.
Note: Most clients support aliased commands, which are abbreviations of common commands. For example, you can usually type /ns instead of /msg nickserv. I've listed the full command here, though.

/msg nickserv identify password - Logs in as registered username.

/msg nickserv group - Groups your current nick to your account if you're currently logged in. For example, if I wanted to group Peri|AFK to my account, I would first log in as Perihelion, then /nick Peri|AFK, then /ns group.

/msg nickserv ungroup - Drops your current nick from your account.

/ns info name - Shows information about the specified nick. If you do it on yourself, you can see what nicks you have grouped to your account.

/cs info #channelname - shows information about the specified channel.

/whois nick - Brings up information about the specified user such as channels joined, host, account name, and idle time.

/part #channelname reason - Leaves the specified channel. Reason is optional.

/quit reason - Disconnects from the server. Reason is optional.

/cycle - Quickly parts and rejoins the current channel you are in.

/cycle #channelname - Quickly parts and rejoins the specified channel only.

Who's important in the channel?
Channel operators are Perihelion, Brew, AmyPond, bacon/macon, and runaway_bro aka mawk. Direct any questions or concerns to us.
Hi, guys, we're implementing a new rule: don't talk shit about people. It's starting to become a problem, so we're cracking down on it. I know some of the ops have done it from time to time, but we're stopping now. In practice this only really applies to other people on the site or the RM community. If you want to rant about how your manager at work is a douche or whatever, I don't particularly care, but we want the channel to be friendly and welcoming towards everyone and avoid drama and crap like that.
you are on the wrong server

switch your theme to hb and then try joining

some of the links lead to slacked so if you have an older theme or something it will most likely lead you there
try switching to a new theme temporarily and join
you will be directed to hbgames
i know its a pain in the ass



hey guys


some of you

cut the bullshit on irc. its not cute and some people feel uncomfortable. If you dont like someone, fine, but if you just wanna LOL TROLL HEH take it someplace else. this isnt slacked anymore. if you want that old mentality, go there. its not welcome here.

thanks guys
Proud not carried away, frustrated not drooling; living in good times must be done carefully, otherwise easily Queer. Life is proud it is easy to carried away, one carried away do not know what his last name, so the evil thoughts and evil deeds will Chenxi infiltration. Adversity must be extremely patient, or easy early mortality. Easily frustrated when life gaffe, a gaffe not know their future, so negative and Diablo 3 Gold despair will Chenxi infiltration. Mo gains and losses to be carried away by the moment, he must be prepared to refrain grown arrogant, complacent. Intoxicated with victory means stop and pause, lose vigilance. Life on the road to never let up, victory is just a small signpost. In order to achieve the final victory, if they work hard, try, try again. :kiss:

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