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Charsets, facesets and anything in between



Ever since Blackbeard's pixel contest began I've been checking out these forums quite often, although I never did introduce myself. Well, I'm Zeephos (currently known as Zeeph due to problems with my other account), and I come from RPG Palace/Town.

I've been doing quite a hefty amount of spriting lately (RPG Maker resources included), and I'm looking for some constructive criticism. I hope I haven't come to the wrong place, though - I'm primitive and haven't even touched RMXP or any of its types of graphics yet, so my resources are made solely for RM2K/3. It's probably just a matter of time before I succumb to the popularity of RMXP, but for now I'd like to improve at what I do.

Well, enough chitty-chat; here's my stuff:

A faceset series of Final Fantasy VIII summons (WIP) (CLOSE-UP)

http://mywebpage.netscape.com/Daisetsur ... aceset.png[/img]

Don Tonberry

http://mywebpage.netscape.com/Daisetsur ... MPLETE.gif[/img]

Female warrior (ORIGINAL DESIGN)

http://mywebpage.netscape.com/Daisetsur ... amples.png[/img]

Captain Jack Sparrow

http://www.rpg-palace.com/inquisitor/BC ... parrow.png[/img]

Male warrior (WIP) (very ROUGH SKETCH)


Well, that's about all for now. I have a few more pieces, but they either don't completely fall into the category of "pixel art" (more like, uh, "pixelkaki") or aren't worth posting.

Eagerly awaiting your C&C!


(Oh, and sorry for the geisha - I couldn't help myself)



thats the very first good tonberry ive ever seen here....
it gets a "spooftastic" from me.. theyre all great
you are VERY talented! where did you learn? (of course yer not as good as me! HAHAHAHA!!!!... no... im just kidding...)

edit:... i always thought quetzicotl was yellow...



A little peek at the RMXP sprite I'm currently working on:

http://mywebpage.netscape.com/Daisetsur ... LOSEUP.png[/img]

And here's some of my old (non-resource) work for anyone who's interested. This is just for your possible curiosity, therefore I've put it in spoilers.

3 linearts of Cloud Strife

Naruto fighting game mock-up

Cloud and Sephiroth Ragnarok Online sprites

A priestess and a succubus

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