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Character license

Wow, I haven't been on here in forever, because of school work.

Anyways, I was thinking someone might be able to come up with a license system, kind of like in Final Fantasy XII, but with more to them such a mixing this with Phantasy Star Online's section id's.

What do licenses do? (In terms of the request along with Final Fantasy XII)

-Give access to the use of certain weapons and skills
-grant higher chances of finding certain types of weapons, items, and skills.
-effecting the items that can be bought in shops and the monsters fought in battles.
-changing the stats of the character to suit the skills earned by the license.

In Final Fantasy XII, you could have all the licenses on at once. I would rather only limit it to 1 to start with and as the character levels, he/she will be able to have more licenses. The maximum being 5.
I just got FFXII and immediately scripted the liceanse grid system (yes, I do that with everything I play it seems). It's not 100%, but close.

As for the extra license, it's kinda hard to do the 2nd and 3rd one. The 3rd one is possible, but the 2nd is next to impossible without you going into more detail.

The 4th one is a bit vague. Yes, you can boost stats, but to suit skills? What?

I will see if I can add an equip liceanse features, so you can control the number of equipped licenses.
The 2nd one would be hard to pull off. It would be very cool. Basically, it's just assigned items and weapons that can be found based on the license. So if you had a license based on swords, you'd find more swords etc.

Something with the use of hashes like:

LICENSE 1 = {item_id, percentage, item_id2, percentage2}

That's probably wrong, but basically the idea I had. The licenses could be armors, that are element tagged to distinguish them from being equipped as armors, and instead being in the seperate category of licenses.

As for the fourth one, yes, it is vague, but it's supposed to mean that if you learn a skill dependent upon intelligence, your intelligence would increase, but your other stats would decrease a little, and if you have skills of multiple stats, those stat increases would even themselves out.

Ex. You have one skill based on intelligence, and another was based on strength. You would usually gain 6 intelligence by learning the int. based skill, but since you also learned the str. based skill, the earned stat levels are devided, so you would earn 3 strength and 3 intelligence.


@gorechild: jobs are great, but I already know Seph is working on a great job system. A license is a type of equipment that gives more customization to a character than a job, because more than one can be equipped.
Well, I could create a specialized method that would act as a sort of quick treasure and retrieve items randomly and return something.

A License Grid that gives you a 25% of item 2, 15% of item 5
Another Grid that gives you a 45% of item 3 and 10% of item 5.

If both are aquired, the 15% stacks. You could also do negative percents.

Then, you would call something like


Depending on the license aquired, it would give you the items. I can directly tie this into my update Quick Treasure system.

That more or less is just piecies of something like my Actor Stats Bonus system. If Skill X is aquired, effect stats Y. It would only need slight modification to work.

I have a few other things to do, but this is a pretty easy system. I will get right on it.

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