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Channeled Skills



I'm trying to make an addon to the battle system I'm using (KCG ACB) that will allow characters to use channeled skills.

"Channeled Skills" means that the caster has to keep casting the skill for the effect to remain on the target(s). For example, if one were to cast a channeled heal, the caster's casting bar would slowly fill (like a caster does when they are casting a spell in RTAB or ACB) and the target would have a Regen effect on him until the caster finishes channeling/casting. If the caster is killed or incapacitated, the targets loses the regen. If all of the targets are killed, the caster stops casting, etc. A channeled damage spell would be smilar but the targets would be hurt instead of healed. I also think its important that the effects ("ticks") of the regen/DoT happen at regular time intervals instead of each turn.

The KCG-ACB battle system is here, under "Category:Battle" (one of the blue highlighted links on the left) and is at the bottom.


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