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Changing actor in Battle



I was just wondering is there a script that alow you to change your actors in battle :thumb:
because I'm using Fomar0153 Party Changing Script that alow you to have more then 4 members but they can only be changes in the menu.':|

so anyone?

You're not going to ignore me right? :(

Please Wait 72 hours before bumping your topic. Thanks.
~ SephirothSpawn



Sorry '~'

I mean just like Golden Sun 2 you have an option next to Fight and escape so you can chang them when ever you want in the battle.

I tried to make a new menu so I copied the menu_scene and make one for a battle system that don't have the save and item option everything when fine but when I go back to the battle it start again it turns out that garbage collector did it job and what ever.

you see I don't know anything in ruby but two days ago I found out that $scene = Scene_*.new opens a new scene then I've start to do some changing like in the menu I removed Save and put Load and you know so that what made me do the battle menu and you know what happen I'm trying to release me first demo you see and if I you can help me that will be great.

One last thing do you know a way that can help me learn RGSS fast a tutorials or something?

Thank you.

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