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[CH]trying a new style again

This is why I dropped out of BT, I got sidetracked by a new char style.
Its basically a recolored RTP with a new face, that is also much taller. The pallete is generally earthier and just less anime and the faces are doll-like but with noses. The idea is a more serious less fantasy less cartoony take on characters.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ ... wstyle.png[/IMG]
However I suck at spriting, the face thing is easy enough but making them taller is really really hard so for now Im just making a set with the altered color palletes and faces, if someone wants to help me out by trying to make them taller after I finish that aspect hit my PM box, we'll work out a group thing.
I just tried this on the vex template and it seems the ideal solution. omin0us if you're still willing to help and read this, this is basically the process Im hoping to start:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ ... xsteps.png[/img]
First I change it and then it gets put on the vex template(sans the giant oven mit hands)
Anyhow here are a couple more I did:
------some new samples------
The results are obviously variable(from very good to down syndromey) but it works for me and should work for the game Im doing.
So yeah, if anyone wants to help out on the tall facet PM me like I said, and I'll just start sending you the chars in sets of ten as they finish. Everyone else, tell me why they suck.
I like the style. I'm a fan of duller colors like this, and I think that these could be very useful. I would offer my help, but I know that I would never get around to doing it, and it would be a waste of your time.

But I do like them- good luck.
TREG said:
The eyes in the side view frighten me. Look sort of like an insect's compound eyes. The pallettes are about the right mix between earthy and drab, though, and look fine.

I like the style. Did you hand-recolor these or adjust the Saturation in a photoediting program?
I used photoshop for it. Some were a mere color adjustment, others (like the purple knight, and other characters with hair that's the same color as their uniform) I went in and selected by hand it adjust the color.

Anyhow just to give this a little background, the idea here is that when demons and such show up I want them to stand out in a bad way because in my "universe" they're not real, they're a hollucination so they need to look comparitvely surreal. Hence, drab tileset, drab dolleyed chars. Suddenly the angel and dragon stand out more in that sort of surreal way that hollucinations seem to stand out.
I finished the human RTP, I'll post more samples later. I had someone who was going to make these taller as they finished but I guess he lost interest before even beginning. Whatev. It'd be pointless to make these a resource pack since there's so little interest so I guess they'll be exclusive to my encrypted game yaay. :)
I think they look cool. I can never see myself using them, since I really enjoy lighter cartoonish styles (as you know), but putting my own likes aside, they're cool. Good job, and congratulations on actually getting all the characters done.
Well, technically I have 90 more to do. I did all of the humans from the RTP, but I still have chars I took from the RTP+ as well as a few humanoid monsters to take care of.
And yeah, different styles fit different circumstances. Its good for people to have this many style choices for their games, cus there's basically something to fit every style and every talent level.



Wow, to be honest at first I didn't even realise it was VEX. I'm likeing the style as a whole, but I'm not that keen on the eyes.
Looks great. Glad you got rid of the "giant oven mit hands". Yours are a bit awkwardly small, but it still looks a lot better.

I'd have to say I like the original taller RTP edited versions than the ones paste onto the Vex.
Well that one was made without a template so it took a while. omin0us was making a template more that size but I havent heard from him. I agree, though, I preffer the size of the first tall set to the 2nd one(which is slightly taller than I'd like.
Hey there.
My opinion of course but I never really liked your work. Obviously you've got some talent but your work itself just is not to my liking. I find most of your stuff is either grainy or total opposite and blurred out. Almost like you used the 'Remove dust and scratches' function. But like I said. Just because I don't like it does not make it bad work.
Not really sure why you'd think that, nothing has changed on the bodies other than the faces and their color. Its the same bodies from the RTP, so if you're seeing any kind of extra blurryness its either your computer or because you're out looking for a reason to not like my work.
No bad work, dude. I like them, even though I think some of them look pale and need more contrast. But they are fine. I guess it's been a lot of work, to make all those.
Hey there.
I should have been more specific. These sprites I find grainy. The blurry stuff I mentioned was directed more at the stuff I seen in the black tuesday thread. As for the not liking your work comment. Like I said. There is talent but I personally do not like that much of your work. You of all people should be able to relate to having your own opinion.

Addon to the post- I should really state this so I don't look like a total tool. I'm NOT saying this -your- stuff is bad. You have more talent in this one post then 80% of the spriters out there. I'm simply saying it's not MY style of stuff.



Very nice idea, but they just look like zombies.
Not the colors (which are great), but the eyes just make them look like the undead. :P
I personally like the RTP version better than the VEX, but I'm more of a RTP guy to start with.
ryanwh said:
The results are obviously variable(from very good to down syndromey)

That about sums it up for me. I prefer more muted colors so I like the pallet. I think that the characters may look better though if they weren't stretched out quite so much. Maybe a 3-4 pixel increase on the limbs and torso should be enough to help distinguish them from the RTP. The really stretched ones seem ill-proportioned and in need of calibration. I like the style though.

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