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[CH] HKs and battlers (critque needed)

UPDATE: okay I fixed Tatiana's sprite up. So how's her hair looking now. I tweaked some other things as well on her.

Alrighty I've been working on the sprites again and decided to add in the other ones I've been working on as well. Please give me your honest opinion.


She is supposed to stand out a little so that's why there's some odd coloring. I changed up the skirt's shading from last time and I think this is much better. So how are all three sides looking now?


His battler is still under works (his hair needs to be changed and gloves added). His ears stick out because he's supposed to be an elf. How are all three looking so far? The reason for so many differnt clothes is because the enviorment will effect the player and there will be options to equip differnt choices.


Her second sprite is still needing the red gloves and I don't know about her boots and bag attached to her belt. Should it be bigger on the sprite? Are the fold lines too much detail for the sprite?

Please let me know your honest opinions about both the battlers and HKs. And yes I did draw and color those battlers. And no they're not for free use at this time. I will however release a huge batch of batters (mosters and all) once my game is compleated until then please do not use this or it will be stealing. Thank you.





I think they're very nice. I especially like the battler. The only thing I don't like is the hair on the sprite, it's fashioned nicely but I don't like the brightness of the hair. But that's probably just me.
The hair lacks of contrast, remember that you need always a darker outline on brighter colors than you would do on a darker colored area to keep the contrast to the background.
The battler and the charset are very nice. They look good as a unison, unlike many charset/battler combinations I've seen before. The hair might need a bit more detailing, and the ear rings are a bit too big IMO, but other than that, it's a great piece of work.
Okay update


I toned down the hair a bit and I think it looks much better as well as finish off the second front view and now I'm working on the sideview. Also added in the detail on her upper arm. So what do you think now?

Btw I picked out some very strange colors because she is sorta supposed to really stick out in this game (but not in a bad omg I'm blinded by the colors sorta way... well at least I hope not. :P ) It goes a long with the story and such... Your thoughts?
Alright update again. I decided to add in my other works as well besides just the main character. Please give me your honest opinions. :D
they are all VERY nice! you are not only a good spriter, but a good artist as well! Jeriko looks pretty badass, the battler for Tatiana looks very nice, very nicely done
*nods* Very well done for the spriting and battlers (VERY nice battlers) however, the blonde sprite's hair looks a little light compared to the Battler, and almost washed out to a degree. Perhaps darken it a tad?
I like how you put "Property of Raven" over them.
Sorry but I have to do that. I don't want these used with any other project at this time. I will be releasing all my battlers (monsters too) after I'm done with my project but not until then. I wrote it on the actual picture on purpose instead of just indicating not to use it because I've had my art work stolen many times before. :( I've also had people steal my work and even had the nerve to claim it as there own. :mad: So as a precaution you'll just have to deal with that for now. Please understand this. Thanks.

they are all VERY nice! you are not only a good spriter, but a good artist as well! Jeriko looks pretty badass, the battler for Tatiana looks very nice, very nicely done
Wow you think he looks badass? Awsome! :D I'm actually just a beginer spriter believe it or not. I've always been able to draw but these are my first sprite works believe it or not (other than frankenspriting). So thank you very much. :$

*nods* Very well done for the spriting and battlers (VERY nice battlers) however, the blonde sprite's hair looks a little light compared to the Battler, and almost washed out to a degree. Perhaps darken it a tad?
Yes I caught a couple of problems with her hair now that I actually put her battler next to her sprite. Her hair on the battler is tucked into her bandana while it sorta sticks out on the sprite strangly. I'll be sure to fix that and the coloring as well. Thanks for pointing it out. If there's anything else you see please let me know. Thank you.

So thanks for the compliments guys but uh... I was looking more for a critique. Like what's actually wrong with them... So point out my errors please. I know there are some in there. I can't be that good if these are my first sprites! ':|



These are very good, and have creative designs. I really like the style of your battlers you have a talent for sure ;)
Okay update time. I tweaked Tatiana's sprites up... well I wasn't finished with her design anyways. So I hope her hair is better now. Is it okay? Her gloves were added in as well. I also played with her vest and belt-bag a bit and added some detail to her hat now that her hair is properly tucked in. I think the detail on the hat looks good so I'll go ahead and add it to the battler at a later time. So better or not? Here's a side by side:

ShowKaiser said:
Nice youre definately one of the beter half kaizer gurus . A tip of the kaizer hat goes to you!

:O Wow you really think so! That's so amazing coming from you! Thank you very much! :D That's really nice to hear. I'm very glad you like them that much. :)

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