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ccoa's CBS - Increase Battle Resolution Speed

ccoa dropped support for her CBS some time ago, so I thought it best to bring this request here instead of to her directly.

I'd like to ask if a scripter could modify this CBS to speed it up. As of now, things move rather slowly. Characters take too long to cross the map, there is a 1 to 2 second delay between an attack, the attack registering damage, and the character returning to his start position. I'd like to reduce these delays to the point where they occur near instantaneously of one another, and also to increase the movement speed of characters as they cross the map. The speed of battles in Suikoden II is what I'm basically aiming for.

Summary of Request:
1. increase movement speed of player characters as they cross the map and back (solved)
2. reduce or eliminate the delay between a character's attack, the attack registering damage, and the start of a character's return to his original position

Link to ccoa's CBS:

Thank you very much.



Speeding up the move to/from is easy, find this line in CBS Sprite_Battler:

@move_speed = 10

And increase the 10. The 10 is how many units (pixels) the battler moves in a shortest line to the target each frame update.
ccoa;151171 said:
Speeding up the move to/from is easy, find this line in CBS Sprite_Battler:

@move_speed = 10

And increase the 10. The 10 is how many units (pixels) the battler moves in a shortest line to the target each frame update.
Ahh, thanks! I'm assuming then that reducing the delays is more involved. I'm sorry to ask, but, can you at least give me some idea of where the values are that govern these delays? Would it be in CBS Scene Battle?



Sadly, I can't even remember anymore if those delays were intentional or not. >.< I think not, which means that fixing them is more than just changing one value. If I knew off the top of my head, I'd tell you.

It's definitely in Scene_Battle, and in phase 4 of the battle.
I think I found it:

@wait_count = [@active_battler.attack_frames * 10 - 10, 8].max

def update_phase4_step3

...seems to do the trick in terms of animation delays. I'm just hoping there aren't any side effects.

I still can't figure out how to eliminate the delay between the damage registering and the character returning to his original position.

If I change the following:
def update_phase4_step4
@phase4_step = 5
def update_phase4_step4
@phase4_step = 8

It removes the delay, but battle damage is no longer displayed or updated. I'm assuming "phase4_step5" handles battle damage.

So I did the following and changed:
    when 5
    when 5
      update_phase4_step5 and update_phase4_step8

...and it seems to work. Any side effects to be expected?

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