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CBS~RTAB compatible

i need this battle system,(not3-D)battle system

Seeing the pic from your link above, it appears that you want a sideview overlay system that works with RTAB. Look in Animated Battlers - Enhanced for an RTAB demo that utilizes the Animated Battlers script.

It has a limited number of features... the 'Limit Break' feature (courtesy of KGC) does NOT change the 'attack' choice into a 'limit break' choice... the 'skill' merely becomes available (disabled until the bar is filled).

But with some tweaking... you can do some damage. XD
You adjust the @frames and the @frames_standard values at the top.

@frames indicates the total number of usable frames in a pose... so you can have up to... let's say twenty (that would be overkill). Then you set @frames_standard to three. THIS value shows that a regularly defined pose uses just three frames of animation ('unless' specified later).

If you wanna have ONLY three frames regardless change 'em both to 3.

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