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Catapiller Scrip (Advanced) - RMXP

RPG Maker XP...

What I would like is for all the party members to follow the lead Char...

But say if one of them has a Status Change IE:- Posion they have some sort of anim for that, it could be as simple as they flicker purple... Or if they have the status of Death to have them see-through like 100 rather than 255...

Another thing that would be nice if you meet another person wanting to join your party but your party is full then it asks you to select the party member you want to replace and you press left and right on your arrow keys and on the play screen your line of Char's flash on the one you have selected, on action key it subs your Char for the one wanting to join your party (With out loosing the skills previously learnt by that Char replaced, as you may want him back at some point)...

May be even add a multiplayer aspect... when your walking around say with the train of 3 other sprites (4 total) if some one presses the 2 key it selects the 2nd in the train and asks do you want to join in the quest YES NO
thenit prompts for you to add a Key Direction for left, right, up, down and action... Then player 2 can join in... same if some one then presses 3 key... so you can have as many players as you like limited to your Train of Char's and keys on your key board...

If your are playing alone another option that could be added are routine comands to the train of Char's like Approach Event so when you go on a screen your Train splits up and they stand by Events... helping find hidden things or blocking the path of Enemies that would normally approach you... etc...

It would also be nice if the Train Chars all had shadows and reflections in water etc...

So really one giant script that lets you fully interact with your playable sprites...

Can this be done... or has it already ? (I did search but all the scripts I have found so far are pretty poor)

I tried adding the script by FUKUYAMA (I did this early on in my game) Then when I added more playable Sprites they don't follow the leading sprite... just the ones I added prior... I tried removing the script savingthe changes and replaying, then re-adding the script and replaying but still it doesn't work on any of the new Chars... (I have 22 playable guys in my game, it works upto Char 16)...

For now I can make do with this script...(If I can get it to work on ALL my sprites) but I would like one that shows Status effects at least...
I got an error using Sephiroth Spawn's on my title screen ??name error 38??

Do you know why that may be ?

On my Script Editor screen I inserted above Main and under Scene_Debug a new area and Called it Trailing Characters, then i pasted all of Sephiroth Spawn's Code under that heading... and ran my game (I made no changes to his script)...
Just saying that you got <insert error here> on line <line number> here doesn't tell much you should also post the line in the script editor that caused the error and all of the other scripts you have in your project
It is the Legal version... I got it from Ebay !!!!

Here's the sellers Feedback screen


Came in the Box, Imaged CD... all looks like the original...???

EDIT >>>

I have read some of the latest feedback and it looks like there could be a chance I have a Copy !!!!... not the original... DARN !!!

Does this mean if I now get the original I may have to start my game again...?

If so I will buy the original... No Fricken fair... !!!

I feel well cheated... I have spent good money on a copy... and now it may cost me in many man hours work...GRRRRRrrrrr

Well any way... if you ca help with the query... I will get my self a Legal version... Around the 1st of Next month...

(Ta for the heads up on this)


I have noticed feedback about the copies of RPG Maker XP... and I have found that the one you sent me is also a Copy...

See this thread:- http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?p=88620#post88620

I purchased two copies from you... You can refund me and we can foget this, or I can send them to ELSPA with your details...

Please Email me ASAP

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