Super Mario 64 has next to no story, something that's really bad in an RPG. Also, it had many varied stages and if you want to go that way, try convincing us the stages will be fun and good looking. It also helps a lot if the battles are well done, especially if the story is bare-bone.
Anyway, the game begins with the hero saying something about eternity. It's the kind of talk which if I'd heard it in real life, I go all "um, maybe you should stop gazing at the stars..." and feel a bit uneasy. He then starts to move.
Soon enough he encounters an orc and a human. The orc threatens with dying or something, but our valiant hero jumps in and quickly kills the orc before it can kill itself.
I'll stop playing dumb for a moment. You really need to do something about the grammar errors, the orc is not saying what he's supposed to say.
After a dialog which doesn't come of as natural, the human (who would have been perfectly capable of handling the orc by himself) joins. He comes with a paralyze spells which is single-target despite the description implying it's multi-target.
The heroes encounters more orcs and decides to sneak past. They quickly has a change of heart however and instead decides genocide is the way to go.
Ethnic cleansing done for now, they find an inn in the middle of a forest. The innkeeper doesn't seem interested in customers, but still allows the heroes to stay (for free) provided they don't bother him. Morning comes and the innkeeper is gone. Most people would have assumed by the innkeeper's earlier attitude that he simple left, minding his own business and expecting his guests to do the same. Not our heroes however, they decide to investigate. Cue to a dungeon underneath the inn.
After traversing the ghost infected dungeon, our heroes encounters the innkeeper who's laughing about a potion of immortality he found. The innkeper then spots the heroes and asks them to leave. Hero #1 is now for good reason wondering what's going on, but talks like child who insists he want to know what a group of adults are taking about despite being informed it's a grown up matter. This is in stark contrast with the eternite talk at the beginning. Anyway, the innkeeper summons a boss battle and bolts.
The heroes pursues him and when they catches up with him, he decides to drink the potion. That turns him into some armored guy. Hero #1 is all "huh, am I supposed to be scared" despite the name of the potion implying invincibility and said potion also having a decisive effect. Not surprisingly, they have their asses handed to them.
They wake up in a prison, but escapes due to hero #2 having a lock-pick. After going trough an encounter free dungeon and an encounter full dessert (which almost kill me since I had three potions and two of them heal almost nothing) they find a healing crystal. This is where I stopped playing.
You need some practice. The dialogs doesn't come of as natural and the characters aren't acting like human beings. Very little seems to make sense.