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Cards + Deck Builder

I need a script that will allow the player to hold cards as Items (in a seperate Item Window) and then a Deck of 30 cards compiled from the ones held - then the Deck builder screen needs to have 3 / 4 windows
these windows are;

)Cards held # this is a selectable list of the cards held by the party
)Deck # this is a compilation of 30 cards from the cards held by party
and will need to be accessed in my battle system.
(I have added 2 arrays to game_party if needed $cardsheld and $deck. but you do not have to use them I am open to a completely original method)
)Description # Description of card highlighted by cursor
)Picture # Dispalys picture of the card highlighted by cursor
here's what it should look like (roughly):
The cards are for My battle system which will go roughly like this:
The hero's turn:
10 cards are drawn at random from the deck and a random number of TP(turn Points) is generated
the number of TP used by a card is subtracted from The max TP for that turn.
To move you select a move card and for exemple you pick 'Move 3' that allows the hero to move 3 steps and then returns to the card select menu.
To attack you select an attack card and the rest is pre-determined by the card.
'Sht 5' does 40 damage to anyithing within 5 squares in front of the character On the same row / column as the caracter..
_ O _ _ > _ X _ _ _ O _

> / < = character (direction)
X = targeted enemy
O = safe enemy
_ = panel

defend cards put the hero in the defense stance and ends the turn.
you can end the turn at any time using the End turn option..
Cards are used once then 'reloaded' when the supply is 0

So thats a basic outline of how the cards need to be used, I hope that helps!
(if anyone can help me with the battle system too that would be great b:Dd)

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