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Can someone turn this Rotating Map into a scrypt? (demo included)

that's where to find the demo (done with events)

basically, there are 3 maps, and the demo alternates the maps so it appears to be rotating, only problem is i wanted 5 points of POV (3 free roaming POVs yo ucan walk in, and 2 transitional maps just to show the rotation) but instead opted for the easier 3 POV (2 freeroaming, and 1 transition)... i figure a script could do this easier, without having to take up all the room of events (4 events is how i did it - 1 to show the "rotate" icon letting player know they can rotate the camera, and 3 events around it to remove the icon and turn off a switch)... and then just type in the IDs of the falce maps (transitional maps to show the rotation) and then you'd have it...
i just can't figure out how to make nonstationary events appear to be rotating with the map

the demo looks bad - my fault as i'm not a spriter really, and i never lined up the tileset correctly so it looks bad

also i will credit the tileset's creator (the one i edited) when i can, i lost the notepad i had it written in, so i'll have to credit afterwards, hope they don't mind...

if used with a isometric script, pixelmovement or other type of movement scrypts this could be used as a full rotating movement

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